Hellmouth’s Twilight Chapter 4 – Black Swan

Hellmouth’s Twilight

By Harley Wilson

Chapter 4 – Black Swan

“Nervous flyer?” The thin, gray-haired man sitting next to Bella questioned.

Her right foot twitched as Bella anxiously slid down the shade to her window. Bella didn’t even hear the man. She was too busy picturing the million-one ways Victoria might’ve killed Xander. Bella tried calling her cousin and Willow from a payphone near the hotel, but no one answered. That only added to her anxiety. What she wouldn’t give to have vampiric speed. Bella had a feeling she’d get there a lot faster if she had. Unfortunately, that wasn’t one of the perks of a Slayer. That wasn’t to say she wasn’t fast. She just wasn’t as fast.

The man sitting beside her reached over and used his hand to stop her foot from shaking.

“That’s driving me crazy!” He spat afterward.

“Get. Your. Hand. Off. Me.” Bella warned behind gritted teeth.

The man’s eyes widened as he and Bella stared one another down.

“Is everything all right?” A flight attendant questioned as she passed by.

The man removed his hand, and Bella forced a smile in the flight attendant’s direction.

“Everything’s fine,” Bella said.

The flight attendant nodded but cut the older man a dirty look. Bella waited until the flight attendant was out of hearing range.

“Touch me again, and I’ll make sure you get put on a no-fly list. Comprende?”

The man didn’t respond but was quiet and kept to himself for the rest of the flight.

The flight was a little over two hours long, but it felt like forever to Bella. Each minute was sheer torture, just the way Victoria wanted. To make matters worse, Bella had no money whatsoever. Bella had to use Bram’s “emergency purposes only” credit card to book the flight. Bella didn’t think to take it with her, not that it mattered. It wasn’t like she could use it to get a taxi. What she needed was cash. Bella did the calculating in her head. To get from the airport to Xander’s house would’ve been fifteen to twenty dollars at least.

Bella had three options. Option one – beg. Beg until she had enough money. Option two – Steal. Or option three – the good ole ditch and run. These were things that Bella had never done before, and that made her very uncomfortable. But desperate times called for desperate measures. Bella decided to go with the fastest and simplest option. She rushed out of the airport and then hailed a cab. Bella waited until the driver was at the twenty miles per hour mark and just a few blocks away from Xander’s before she opened the door and tucked and rolled her way out of there. Bella could hear the cab driver slamming his brakes and honking his horn as she sprang to her feet and ran.

               Please don’t call the police on me. Bella miserably thought as she ran through people’s yards, leaped over gates, and fences, whatever it took to get to Xander’s the fastest way possible. But as she ran, so did all the horrifying and graphic images in her head. What would she find when she got there? Would it be an outright massacre? Would her uncle and his wife be dead as well? What about Willow?! As Bella approached her cousin’s drive, her entire world seemed to spin out of control.

Please. Let everyone be okay. Was all Bella could muster in that head of hers.

Her parents came to mind as she walked up to the door. She pictured their pale, lifeless bodies and slit throats. Bella tried opening the door, but it was locked. So, she knocked, repeatedly, frantically even. Then she hollered for Xander to hurry and open the door. Still, no one answered.

“Sorry, Uncle Anthony.” She muttered.

Bella figured if she could take on a vampire, she could surely kick a door in. It took a few attempts, but she managed just fine. Bella headed down the stairs and for the basement, where Xander’s bedroom was. Bella froze with her hand on the basement door.

“Don’t be dead.” Bella emotionally whispered as she forced herself to open the door and reveal what was behind it.

“ALEX!” Bella shrieked when she saw him sprawled out on his bed.

His mouth had been duct taped shut, and his arms and legs were tied to the bed posts. He was trying to tell her something, but Bella couldn’t make it out.

“Just a sec.” She nervously sputtered.

Bella darted over and ripped the duct tape off his mouth.

“BELL, IT’S A TRAP! GET OUT OF HERE! GOOOO!” Xander shouted at the top of his lungs.

Bella reached for one of Xander’s pocket knives he had lying around. She used it to free his legs.


“Ale-“ she started to say as she went to free his hands next.

“You just had to ruin the surprise, didn’t you?” Bella heard.

Bella recoiled. She could feel the vampire’s presence as they stood directly behind her.

“This is between you and me. Let him go, Victoria.”

“But he’s such a handsome boy,” Victoria whined as she headed for Xander’s bed.

“Don’t. Touch. Him.” Bella growled with a hand along Victoria’s shoulder in warning.

Victoria shrugged out of Bella’s hold, then spun around with this “who the fuck do you think you are” expression. Bella shook from head to toe as she stared Victoria down. That hadn’t anything to do with being scared for her life. No, she was scared for her cousin’s.

“Awww, I hate seeing you so upset,” Victoria said with a hand over her heart.

“I bet.” Bella mocked as she got a tighter grip on Xander’s knife.

“And what do you plan on doing with that? File my nails?” Victoria taunted, then laughed when she used her vampiric speed to knock the blade out of Bella’s hand.

One false move; that’s all it would take for Xander to be no more. Bella had to come up with something, anything, to get Victoria out of this house and away from Xander.

“Let’s go,” Bella bravely uttered, and Victoria tilted her head in wonder.

“You heard me. You want me? Then, let’s go. We can take this outside, one on one.”

“Bell, what are you doing?” Xander hissed in disbelief.

“I’m so sorry. I never meant to get you, mom, or dad involved.” Bella said with tears in her eyes.

“Caught up in what?!” Xander asked, as his only concern was her.

You’re in this position because of me! I’ll die before you do. 

Victoria laughed when Bella grabbed one of Xander’s old wooden bats.

“Now, this takes me back. Only you didn’t play that day….”

Bella didn’t comment.

“Tell you what… I’ll give you one free hit.” Victoria offered, and Bella raised her brows in surprise.


“Really,” Victoria said with a nod of reassurance.

Bella didn’t waste any time. She took that bat and swung it hard as she could against Victoria’s torso. Victoria collided with the stairs, and the entire wall came tumbling down on top of her. Bella used this to her advantage and promptly freed Xander.

“GET OUT OF HERE!” Bella said while dragging her cousin out of bed and towards the basement egress window.

They’d climbed in and out of that window quite a bit back in the day. Bella opened the window, then shoved him out of the room. She locked him out afterward.

“YOU’RE SUPPOSED TO COME WITH ME!” Xander cried in a pleading manner.

“Not this time, Alex.” She said, then smiled as if reassuring him that she would be okay.

“Bell…” Xander whispered as Bella seemingly vanished, and the bat lay where Bella originally stood.

“Of course, Buffy just had to go on her little self-discovery quest!” Xander muttered as he climbed up the rusty metal ladder leading to the backyard.

“There has to be someone….” He added as he glanced at the window in thought.

“There will be no living this down.” Xander groaned as only one other person could save Bella, only he wasn’t a person. He was a fucking vampire.

“HOOOOW!” Victoria roared.

She had Bella by the throat and pinned to one of the remaining wall posts. Bella tried breaking out of the vampire’s hold but couldn’t, not without the vampire’s nails slicing her throat open. The very nails Victoria used to slice her parents’ throats! Laurent was a pissing match in comparison.


“Am I? And that has got to be painful.” Bella smarted with Laurent’s words in mind.

She could make out the spiderweb-like crack through the remains of Victoria’s green “Kiss Me I’m Irish” midriff top. The vampire was covered in soot and shavings from the stairs and wall, caving in on top of her.

“He should be here any minute now…. I’ll find out what you’re hiding then!” Victoria growled with impatience.

“RILEY!” The vampire shouted.

Bella narrowed her eyes, wondering who the hell Riley was. A rather familiar-looking, red-eyed vampire entered the basement along with twelve other red-eyed vampires. They were young, but one was just a girl, no older than fourteen, maybe fifteen. She was terrified; Bella could see it in her eyes. But for the life of her, she couldn’t pinpoint where she’d seen Riley before.

“You said he’d be here!”

“He will. Just give him some time.”

Riley looked around the room and then back to Victoria.

“What happened?!”

She happened!” She said, then hurled Bella in his direction.

Riley caught Bella by the hair and then jerked her up against his chest.

“You’re hurt.” He lovingly murmured with an indicating nod towards Victoria’s cracked torso.

“I’ll heal. But I’d heal faster with that bitch’s blood in my system.” Victoria paused as she circled Riley and Bella.

“Do you think she’s pretty?” Victoria questioned in a childlike manner.

“You know you’re all I want.” Riley professed.

Victoria stopped as she stood in front of them now. The vampire leaned in and watched Riley’s reaction as she seductively licked Bella’s lips. Bella curled her lip in disgust. She could feel Riley’s “excitement” as it was pressed up against her back.

“You know where to take her. We can share her once our audience gets here.”

She said, and Riley nodded.

“Oh, and Riley?” She called as he started to take off.

“She lives until I say otherwise. Understood? I want him to see everything!” Victoria ordered.

He and the other twelve nodded in understanding, then took off with Bella.


“What are you doing here?” Angel bitterly muttered after opening the door.

Angel hadn’t seen or heard from the Scooby gang since Buffy tried to kill him. Thanks to the Mayor casting a soul retraction spell on Angel, Angelus made an appearance. Rather than turning Angelus into the Mayor’s little minion as he had hoped, Angelus outright killed him. Angel hated himself for everything Angelus put Buffy and the Scoobies through. He tormented them and would’ve killed Jenny if it hadn’t been for Giles intervening. Giles ended up in the hospital, and Jenny nursed him back to health. It was during this that Giles and Jenny managed to reconcile.

As for Angel and Buffy? They were at odds even before Angelus’s release. Angel reached out to Whistler in hopes of finding out more about Bella Swan. Unfortunately, Whistler had no idea whom Angel was talking about. But Whistler himself was curious as to what it was Angel was sensing. Whistler made it clear he didn’t see this girl in any of the futures he’d seen.

Angel, regrettably, revealed a little too much during his and Whistler’s conversation. He hadn’t a clue Buffy had been stalking him and was listening in. So, she heard all about Angel’s mixed feelings when it came to this mysterious girl and Buffy. Buffy heard him admit that he’d been dreaming about this girl nonstop since they met. That he even gave her his favorite leather jacket, knowing he’d never get it back. When Whistler asked him why Angel told him he wanted Bella to have something of his since he’d never see her again. Whistler laughed and even warned Angel that he was playing with fire – that you don’t piss a Slayer off when you’re a vampire, especially.

Buffy revealed herself once Whistler left the area he and Angel met. She told Angel she wasn’t playing second fiddle to anyone. Angel wanted to say something along the lines of – you have nothing to worry about. But that would’ve been a lie. The dreams had gotten gradually worse. Angel wasn’t sure he could contain himself if he saw Bella again. So, Buffy dumped him and told Angel to go find his fantasy girl since she was no longer it.

It wasn’t long after that incident that Angelus was freed, and everything went to hell from there. Buffy was set out to kill Angelus when Jenny and Willow managed to free Angel’s soul. Angel came back just as Buffy was going to stab him with the blade Kendra (another slayer) had given her. The unnamed sword had been blessed by the knight that first slayed the demon known as Acathla (a demon who could possibly destroy the world). Angel called out Bella’s name instead of Buffy’s, which sent Buffy into a jealous rage, and she tried to kill him even with his soul intact. Angel had never seen that side of Buffy; it was unnerving, to say the least.

“Look, you know I wouldn’t come to you. Not unless I had NO CHOICE!” Xander heatedly barked.

Angel tilted his head as Xander was on the verge of tears. That wasn’t like Xander Harris at all.

“What’s up?”

“It’s my cousin. She’s in trouble. I’m talking BIG TROUBLE. Like facing an army of vampires kind of trouble.”


“My place. But I doubt they’re still there. They seem to have some sort of plans for her. But I could only make out bits and pieces of it. I was a little tied up.”

Angel threw on a black long-sleeved shirt, then grabbed his keys.

“You should go to Willow’s. You’d be safer there.”

“Nah, man! I’m going with you.”

               And risk putting her in more danger? Like hell you are! 

“Will you grab my coat?” Angel asked while buttoning his shirt and nodding towards his desk chair where the coat was.

Xander spun around, and Angel bolted out the door.

“I HATE WHEN HE DOES THAT!” He heard Xander shout.

Angel couldn’t help but smirk.

“So, I’m guessing Victoria told you all about James?” Bella taunted as Riley dragged her by the forearm.

The newborns followed.

“You know… Her mate? He’s the reason for all of this!” Bella added.

“I’m her mate! At least I’m going to be….” Riley uttered with a touch of uncertainly.

“Is that what she told you?”

Riley ignored her as they entered what looked to be an abandoned hotel. Some of the doors had been taken off the hinges, and there was graffiti everywhere. It looked as if people had been shooting up here, as needles and other paraphernalia were on the ground.

               Great! Perfect scene for a horror movie!

“He’s not the only one Victoria’s been lying to,” Bella said with a glimpse in the teenage girl’s direction.

“You’ve heard of the Volturi, right?” She asked, and the newborns regarded one another in question. Bella told them all about the Volturi and what they stood for. She let them know that Victoria has given them all a death sentence by creating an army behind the law-making coven’s back.

“Don’t listen to her! She’s just using that as a distraction!” Riley said.

“But what if she’s telling the truth?” The teenage girl asked.

“She isn’t! So don’t worry about it. There’s no such thing as a law-making coven. The bitch is trying to scare you, and she’s doing a good job of it, apparently.” Riley said before shoving Bella down onto the cement floor in the hallway.

“Keep an eye on her! I need to feed. I won’t be long.”

“Feed. You mean picking some innocent stranger off the street? Humans aren’t cattle, you know. Or do you plan on turning them when you’re done?” Bella asked while dusting herself off and coming to her feet. Riley rolled his eyes.

“You can think I’m full of shit all you want, but your little coven is breaking all kinds of rules. Do you honestly think Victoria gives a damn about you or anyone else?! You’re nothing but pawns to her!”

Riley ignored Bella’s warning and took off to hunt.

“I don’t like this. I think she’s telling the truth!” The teenage girl said to one of the older boys.

“You heard Riley. It’s all a distraction.” The boy said while he and the others made certain no one else was there.

“Distraction from what?!” Bella scoffed.

“And what if she’s telling the truth, Fred?” The girl timidly asked.

“You need to trust in Riley and what he says!”


“WHAT DID I SAY?!” Fred snapped right before backhanding the young vampire.

“HEY!” Bella shouted, gathering Fred’s attention.

“You wanna hit someone? Hit someone your own size!”

“What? Like you?” The vampire uttered with a chuckle.

The newborns laughed as well, all of them aside from Bree.

Fred marched on over and got in Bella’s face.

“Victoria’s going to chew you up, then spit you out.”

“So, you’re admitting that you need a woman to fight your battles?” Bella mocked.

The newborns hooted and hollered at the slight towards Fred.

Fred laughed and then acted as if he was going to walk away.

“WATCH OUT,” Bree warned just as Fred pivoted around and slugged Bella across the face.

The hit had Bella seeing double. He started to go after Bree next. Bella intervened by stepping in between them. She placed the teenage girl behind her.

“Imagine bullying a child,” Bella said before returning the favor and clocking Fred across the face.

Fred rubbed his cheek with this rather stunned expression.

“Man, she got you good!” One of the female newborns taunted.

“SHUT UP!” Fred barked.

“And that’s no child! That’s a spoiled little brat that needs to be taught a lesson.” Fred said with a finger pointed in Bree’s direction.

“You know, Diego isn’t here to save your ass anymore! And since I can’t kill the human, you’re the next best thing!”

Bella got a protective hold on Bree; then she flung her hand out like she did that day in the meadow with Laurent.

Fred attacked first, and it was like a domino effect from there. The newborns charged right for her, one right after the other. Bree clung to Bella for dear life. Bella gritted her teeth and sent vampire after vampire flying. They would scramble to their feet and then dive for them again and again. Bella grew incredibly tired as she did whatever she could to keep Bree alive.

“Look at me,” Bella said as she cupped the girl’s chin.

“When I tell you to run. You’re going to run, and you’re not going to look back. Do you understand?” Bella sternly put.

“You’re bleeding!” Bree said with concern.

The newborn reached out. She used her thumb to wipe the blood from Bella’s busted nose.

“Focus!” Bella scolded when the vampire got that hungry look in her eyes.

“If you kill me trying to feed, you’re as good as dead! So, don’t even think about it!”

Bella had created some sort of temporary dome over the two of them.

“You’re going to find a coven with golden eyes. That coven is run by a vampire known as Carlisle Cullen. You won’t like their diet, but you will be safe there as long as you abide by his rules. Do you understand?” Bella feebly put, and Bree nodded with an apologetic look on her face.

Bella could tell it was taking all of Bree’s willpower not to feed off her.

“If you go against my wishes and harm an innocent, I’ll have no choice but to hunt you down and kill you. NOW GO!”

Bella shoved the teenage girl away from her. Fred tried snatching Bree up but hit an invisible wall as he did.

“HOW ARE YOU DOING THAT?!” Fred shouted.

“RUN!!!” Bella shouted.

Bella stumbled around, but as she did, Bella revealed that she herself was no longer protected.

Fred grabbed her and then gave her a violent shake.

“How did you do that?! TELL ME!”

“WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!” Riley scolded as he’d just returned from hunting.

He yanked Bella out of Fred’s arms and then checked her over.

“Victoria gave us specific orders! What did you do?! She looks half dead!” Riley spat just before a gust of wind hit.

“What th-“ Riley said when he looked down to see Bella was gone.


“Come on… I need to know that you’re okay.”

Bella’s eyes fluttered as she came to. Angel was cradling her and hiding in one of the old elevator shafts of the hotel.

“Get her out of here.” She mumbled as she was half out of it.


“The girl. There was a girl. She was… She was scared.”

Angel observed their surroundings. He could hear the newborns as they searched for Bella. There were a few upstairs, and the others were outside.

“She’s okay. I spotted her on the way over. She was skeptical at first but told me where you were and what you said. I told her I didn’t know the Cullens but to take your advice.”

“Angel?” Bella called as if it had just dawned on her that he was there.

“Yeah, it’s me.” He warmly murmured while stepping out and making sure the coast was clear.

“I had no choice. I’m sorry. Alex, he was…. He was…”

“Shhh. You don’t need to explain. What you need is rest.”

“I’m really tired.”

“I know you are. It’s okay. I got you. You can sleep now, Bella. I’ll get us home.”

Bella nodded, then passed out in Angel’s arms.

“Mhm…” Angel moaned as he bucked his hips against the heavenly sensation he felt against his pelvis. He woke to find Bella lying on top of him. She was sound asleep but kissing him and rubbing herself against him in a very suggestive manner. He wanted nothing more than to see how far Bella would take it, but it didn’t feel right with her being asleep still. Angel was just about to stir her awake when he sensed another presence in the room.

All he could make out at first was their silhouette as whomever it was watched from the chair at Angel’s desk. It took a minute for Angel’s night vision to kick in as he was a little too into the moment. Angel rolled Bella onto her back. He used his bedsheets to cover her up even though she was fully clothed.

“Who are you, and what are you doing in my apartment?” Angel questioned once he had Bella situated and safely behind him.

“You must be Angel.” The man bitterly murmured as he rose to his feet.

He leaned against Angel’s desk and then folded his arms across his chest.

“That doesn’t answer my question.”

Angel also came to his feet, and the two eyed one another down.

“Could you put on a shirt or something, at least?!”

Angel raised his brows, seeing as how he was fully clothed, aside from that.

“I don’t believe I will, seeing as how this is my apartment and all. How’d you even get in here?!”

“It might be your apartment, but that’s my girl you’re sleeping with.”

Of course. She would be with someone. Someone that isn’t me. Angel miserably thought.

“Look, as cliché as it sounds, it isn’t what you think. She was in trouble and in really bad shape, so I brought her here. She isn’t even aware of what’s going on. She’s been asleep this entire time.” Angel defended while “adjusting” himself.

“So, you admit that you were taking advantage.”

Is constipation this guy’s only expression?

“Excuse me?”

“I saw the way you were touching her. Why don’t you do yourself a favor and hand her over.”

“Why don’t I wake her up instead?”

“She’s in bad shape. You said so yourself. So, there’s no need to wake her.”

Angel laughed in disbelief.

“You honestly expect me to hand her over? On your word alone?”

“That’s right.”

Angel kept a watchful eye on his intruder but reached back and turned the lamp on. He sat on the bed and gave Bella a gentle shake afterward. Something about this guy didn’t sit right with Angel. Bella let out a sleepy but sensual moan as she crawled into Angel’s lap and wrapped herself around him. Angel had to refrain from laughing after seeing the outraged look on her “supposed” boyfriend’s face.

               Ah, there it is! Good to know his face isn’t permanently stuck like that. What’s she doing with a stiff like this?

Bella’s eyes were closed as she pulled Angel in for a kiss. Angel held up a finger, indicating that he needed a minute. He observed the guy’s reaction as Bella slipped her tongue into his mouth.

Don’t kiss her back. Don’t kiss her back. Angel repeated in that head of his. The last thing he wanted was to get Bella into more trouble.

“ENOUGH!” He shouted, causing Bella to jump awake. She would’ve fallen off the bed if it hadn’t been for Angel catching her.

“Edward?!” She said as if in a state of shock.

Edward gave a mere nod but stood there like a gargoyle. Angel didn’t get it. He would’ve been out for blood if he saw his girl kissing someone like that. But this guy just stood there staring.

“Are you done?” Edward cruelly muttered.

“What are you talking about, and what are you doing here?!” Bella whispered, looking somewhere between agitated and embarrassed.

“You know what I’m talking about… It’s him, isn’t it? And it was his jacket you were always wearing! I recognize the scent. So, did you get it out of your system, or do you need a few more minutes?” The man hissed.

Angel couldn’t help but feel a strange sense of pride knowing Bella actually wore his jacket.

“You can’t be serious right now.”

“Me?! Look at you! You’re acting like a-“ Edward paused, then curled his lip as if repulsed by the very air she breathed.

“Like a what, Edward?! Just say it!”

“A harlot!”

Whoa… Bad move, and what century is this guy in? Harlot?

Bella laughed and then came to a sitting position on the bed.

“Did you just call me a whore?”

“He did. I heard him.” Angel amusingly uttered.

“That’s rich coming from you, considering you know I’m a fucking virgin because you wouldn’t so much as touch me! You made me feel like something was wrong with me for even wanting to have sex!”

Angel raised his brows in disbelief. There’s no way I heard that right. What guy in his right mind would turn her down?

“That’s a little private, don’t you think?! And you know my reasoning on that!” Edward hissed.

“Enough of the nonsense. It’s time to go, Bella.” Edward ordered with his hand held out afterward.

“I’m not going anywhere, not with you especially.”

“I’m guessing this guy isn’t your boyfriend?” Angel uttered in confusion but also with a touch of relief.

“He was until he decided he wasn’t-“ Bella paused, then crawled out of bed.

She chewed on her bottom lip as she brushed her disheveled hair back with her fingers. There was something so incredibly pure about those big, beautiful mocha eyes Angel found it hard to look away. She was a sexy little dish with mouthwatering lips that tasted like strawberries; a taste Angel hadn’t experienced since his human days. Angel hadn’t yearned for a woman like this since Buffy. What he had with Buffy was special; there was no denying that he loved her and knew she loved him. But something was off about their relationship. There were times Angel felt on edge, like he had to hold back, that he couldn’t fully be himself around her. Part of that had to do with Buffy being overly judgmental. Some of the things she said got under his skin. Things such as constantly throwing the whole being a vampire bit in his face. Like, he had control over that…

“Actually, do you mind giving us a moment?” Bella asked.

“We can talk outside.” She respectfully offered.

Angel didn’t like that idea at all. Bella didn’t have her strength back. So, it would be too easy for Edward to take off with her.

“No, I can step out,” Angel said, looking at the time. It would be daylight in a little over an hour. He leaned into her ear on the way out.

“If you need anything… Holler.” He whispered, and Bella forced a smile. One that said they, too, needed to talk at some point. And that they did; he hadn’t expected Bella to stumble into his life again. It seemed he was right all along about Bella being a Slayer. She must’ve taken Kendra’s place when Drusilla killed her. But there was something else.

“I’ll be okay.” She reassured, and Angel nodded before exiting the room.

“You never answered my question.” She said while straightening the sleeves to her top.

“What question?”

“Why do you do that?”

“Do what?”

“Act as if you don’t know what I’m talking about when you know damn well you do.”

“Bella, I know you’re upset. You have every right to be.”

Bella shook her head, then laughed.

“Upset?! You say that like you spilled milk on my kitchen floor, Edward!”

“Bella, I… I shouldn’t have left. I-“

Bella held up her hand, shushing Edward.

“Let me talk. For once, just let me fucking talk.” Bella said with tears forming in her eyes.

Edward gave a mere nod, and Bella shut her eyes as she struggled to keep her emotions in check.

“Leaving me was one thing. Putting me in danger even. I can forgive those things. But the moment…” Bella paused yet again.

“The moment you turned your back on my family.” Bella gasped back a sob, then lost all composure.



Edward inched on over, then wrapped his arms around her. Bella cried as he held her.

“I don’t know what to say….” He lovingly whispered.

“You never do.” Bella coldly muttered.

“I’m here now. That’s all that matters.”

Edward narrowed his eyes after getting a good whiff of her.

“There’s something different about you.” He said, but never saw it coming.

Bella had one hand wrapped around Edward, but the other was wrapped around the broadsword Angel had on the wall. The Slayer slammed her vampire ex against the wall, then drove the blade into where his heart would’ve been had he actually had one.

Edward regarded Bella in utmost shock. Bella clamped his mouth shut afterward.

“You live because I allowed it. Don’t ever forget that! And don’t even think about saying it. I don’t want to hear – “How! It isn’t possible! YOU’RE ONLY HUMAN!” She growled at the end.

Edward tried moving away from the wall but couldn’t. The sword had him pinned to it.

“Bella, that really hurt.” He said while working the blade out of his marble-like flesh.

“Good. I want you to hurt, Edward. I want you to feel everything I felt. That you will never amount to anything… I want you to feel weak and pathetic.”

“Bella, listen to yourself. This… This isn’t you.”

Bella ignored him as she continued with her rant.

“That’s what you drilled into my brain time and time again! You told me it’d be like you never existed. I guess that’s why you let my parents die. So, again… Why did you come back, Edward? Huh? Are you going to bring my parents back? Are you going back in time and letting that van crush me? Because that’s pretty much what you did when you left me to face Laurent and Victoria.”

Bella staggered back as she became heavy-headed.

“It’ll be okay, Bella. Just…” Edward said after pulling the blade out of his chest and dropping the sword onto the floor.

“Look at me.”

Bella lifted her head, and Edward reached out and wiped a tear off her cheek.

“There you are.” He whispered with a smile.

“Just breathe…”

“Edward, what are you….” Bella said as he backed her into a corner.

“Don’t…” Bella pleaded as Edward closed in on her.

“Angel,” Bella called, but it came out as a weakened murmur.

Angel pov:

“Close your eyes, Bella. I’ll rid of whatever this is. You’ll be your old self in no time.”

“WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?!” Angel spat after entering the room.

“This is between Bella and me. We’ll be out of your hair shortly,” Edward said.

Angel tilted his head as he examined Bella from across the room. Her eyes were dilated as Edward cupped her chin.

“Oh, that’s a whole new level of low. I can’t believe you’re what… Dazzling her? Is that what you’re doing? If so, what are you using, pheromones? Hypnosis? What’s your secret?” Angel said, then shook his head in disbelief.

Edward didn’t comment. He was focused on getting Bella where he needed her.

“Let me guess, that’s how you won her over in the first place… You ole charmer you! Oldest trick in the book, and I mean that literally. I bet it’s frustrating when it wears off, and you have to start all over. Bella isn’t like other women. There’s something about her, isn’t there? You’ve felt it too. Only, you find it frustrating because you lose control when she’s like that. Talk about an exhausting relationship.”

Angel crouched down as he picked his broadsword up from the ground.

“You’re lucky she didn’t kill you. She could’ve, you know. And from what I heard.” Angel said, then tapped his ear with his index finger.

“She should’ve!” Angel said before hurling the sword across the room at vampiric speed.

“Shocked ya, didn’t I? You thought “your girl” was shacked up with some human.” Angel said with a wink as the blade barely missed Edward’s face.

Edward returned to that gargoyle state of his and just stared.

Why does he keep doing that? He looks like a possum.  

“Now, if you don’t mind….” Angel said, revealing his vampiric form as he held his arms held out for Bella. Edward scooped Bella up, then let out a catlike hiss. Angel rolled his eyes.

Man, what did she see in this guy?! He’s so… weird. And why does he keep staring at me like that?

“Don’t make me beg. It’s been a really long night, and the sun’s about to be up. I imagine that can’t be good for either of us. But I have to admit; I am curious as to why you don’t bleed. And where the hell are your fangs?” Angel taunted while showing his off.

“What kind of lame vampire doesn’t have fangs? I mean, that’s what you are, right? A fangless and seemingly dickless vampire? It’s okay, Edward. You’re what? Not even a century old, am I right? So, your balls haven’t even dropped yet. You’re just a boy. But I think Bella’s ready for the big leagues now. It’s time she found a man. Someone who will take care of her needs and recognizes her full potential.” Angel had no idea what came over him, but he was pissed and wasn’t in the mood for this idiot’s games. What he wanted was to be back in bed with Bella wrapped around him.

There was something about Edward that reminded Angel of Angelus and how he was with Drusilla. Angelus drove the poor girl mad with his obsession. Angel wasn’t about to let that happen to Bella.

“We have to go, Edward.” Angel heard in a pixie-like voice.

Angel turned his head in that direction and saw what he guessed to be another vampire standing in the doorway; only this one was female.

“Great! Another uninvited guest,” Angel growled.

Edward started towards the other vampire, and Angel speedily seized Bella out of his arms. Edward grabbed Angel by the throat.


Edward looked at the vampire waiting on him, then back to Bella, before dropping his hold and reluctantly taking off.

Please remember to leave a comment, like, or review. It feeds the muse and lets me know if you’re enjoying the story or not. Thank you!


12 thoughts on “Hellmouth’s Twilight Chapter 4 – Black Swan”

  1. Awesome update. I’m really enjoying this story its so great to read your work again. You were missed and I know your not back for good but I will definitely enjoy it while it lasts. Merry Christmas

  2. Ohhh I love this glad Angel was able to rescue Bella. Can’t wait for the next chapter.
    Merry Christmas to you and your family!

  3. Bella’s powers seem to come out and be strongest when she is protecting someone else….Bree, Angel…
    Alice is definitely in on whatever bullshit Edward has pulled, and was going to pull on Bella. Edward is creepy as hell, but at least he’s not very smart. LOL Angel and Bella both beat him.
    Now Bella and Angel need to talk and catch up.
    Thanks for writing and sharing the great chapter. 🙂

  4. Absolutely love all the stories you have ever done they are amazing you have a gift that other just can’t seem to touch. I can’t wait to see what you have planned for this one I know just like always it will be amazing. Thank You!

  5. holy effing shitake mushrooms!!! why didn’t she just kill him?! hell i would’ve! man angle shoulda killed them too. damn this story is soooooooo good i am fully invested times infinity! im practically salivating for more…my words this is great 😀

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