
I will be doing a chapter to the prequel Breaking Protocol very soon. The sequel chapter to How It All Began is now up! Please note I have betas on these two stories as do I on A Webcatcher’s Dream so give us time to get them out. In the meantime, I will be working on my other updates and stories as they are beta’ing these. Naturally, I will have to spread out my updating times with each story of mine. Meaning – I will do whatever the muse is calling for and do my best to keep each of them updated regularly. Regularly – not meaning every day I am human after all. (Last time I checked anyhow!) I shouldn’t be longer two weeks per story if not less. Breaking Protocol honestly wasn’t planned on doing a prequel to that but there was high demand for it and I don’t wish to disappoint. Now I will NOT be updating anything this weekend as I have plans with my hubby. But will for sure sometime next week or the following weekend. Um yeah we’re going to see the Avengers – Age of Ultron baby!!!!! Hey it’s because of these amazing movies and comics I’m here writing crossovers and who knows. It could bring me new ideas or muses 😉


Harley ❤

FYI – Yes,  Deadpool sequel is on it’s way as well. But after I knock a couple other’s out. I’m coming to a close soon on a couple of my stories!

Eternal Glory!

Thank you so much to all that voted! My story Breaking Protocol got first place and How It All Began got third! So very awesome! I want to congratulate Canis Lupus Familiaris and The Darkest Falling Star as well. And to everyone else that entered truly each of you had amazing stories! I will be doing a Prequel to Breaking Protocol and a Sequel to How It All Began. Thank you once again! I’m truly honored!

Fanfiction by Bertie Bott

…for all who entered for you have surely defeated the Legion of Doom! Truly, this was such an amazing contest and my absolute pleasure to host. I confess I was worried about lack of interest given the rather specific contest theme but you all blew me away not only with your submissions but also the countless readers who left so many wonderful and encouraging comments behind. We had over 1000 votes and second place was damn near tie until the very end – a scant three votes breaking it in the end. It was thrilling for me to watch (and tease, lol) and I’m already looking forward to the next contest. I’m now taking suggestions should you have some…

So as you may have been aware, this contest was exceedingly close for about the top six stories almost consistently throughout it. Eventually a few started to break away but in…

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GO VOTE! If you haven’t done so! A TIE!

Fanfiction by Bertie Bott


Second place is a tie right now! I’m freaking out over here in the best of ways… You know, if I’d set the contest EST I’d know the winners right now, lolz…

Three hours left – make them count people. We are so close to breaking 1,000 votes and I’d love to see us smash that harder than the Hulk smashes New York when he’s angry. You wouldn’t like him when he’s angry 😉


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‘Til the End of the Line!

One day left. Better vote for your favorite stories!

Fanfiction by Bertie Bott

You have only ONE day left to get your votes in for the Bertie Bott’s Every Flavor Superhero Fest. I can’t say enough how amazing this whole contest has been – from the fantastic authors who contributed, all of you fine readers leaving comments/reviews, and everyone who has voted. It remains a close call and I find that so thrilling… I can honestly say even with knowing the vote count I still have no idea who is going to win!

So be sure to make your vote count – polls will close at midnight PST tomorrow night (the 26th).

bertiebotts superhero fest

PS… Entrants, I know many of you are planning on continuing your submission pieces (hooray!). Please message me if you plan to do so because I’d like to include links on your stories so that people may continue to read your awesomeness. Thank you all!

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