Hellmouth’s Twilight Chapter 11 – Mystery Machine

Hellmouth’s Twilight

Chapter 11 – Mystery Machine

By Harley Wilson


“You ready?” Xander impatiently called as he stood outside Bella’s bedroom, aka the semi-newly renovated basement.

Xander, Bella, Willow, and Oz had spent all last weekend getting the basement ready for Bella. And while it wasn’t perfect, it was livable and that’s all that mattered.

Xander, Bella, and Willow had dinner with Joyce Summers that Sunday and Bella got to know her on a more personal level. The two had a little heart-to-heart as Bella stayed behind to help Joyce with the dishes. Without revealing too much, Bella opened up about her parents’ murder, and in return, Joyce opened up about Buffy and how she wished she’d come home. Joyce was clearly heartbroken and genuinely concerned for her daughter’s well-being. “She doesn’t have to come home if she doesn’t want to. I just want to know that she’s okay. Is it too much to ask for a simple phone call?” Those were Joyce’s words as Bella dried one of the plates off Sunday night.

Bella adjusted the straps to the backpack Giles had given her as she stepped out of the room.

“So, ready for your first official week?” Xander asked.

Bella attended Thursday and Friday, which felt odd considering she was staying with Angel during that time. Thankfully, those days went a lot smoother than her first. That’s not to say she didn’t have to put up with the likes of Cordelia and her little mean-girl clique and there were a couple of run-ins with Jesse’s old friends. Other than that, everything went okay.

“As ready as I’m going to get.”

“How’d you sleep?”

“I slept okay.”

“Are you sure, you don’t want to switch rooms? I know it can get pretty loud in there…”

Xander had lived in that basement before himself. He knew how loud the water heater could get when turning on and off as well as the clanking of the pipes when anyone used the toilet, shower, dishwasher, washer, or any of the sinks.

“For the tenth time, no! Besides, we went over this. I need to be in there…” Bella hinted as to her Slayer life. Xander nodded but with a guilt-ridden expression.

“I know. I just worry about you getting enough sleep. That’s all.” He whispered as they snuck their way past his drunk and passed-out father.

Xander’s mother gave a little wave from the kitchen and Bella smiled, then waved back as they exited the house.

“You’re lucky he was wearing clothes this time,” Xander said as they headed for his car.

Bella laughed as she hopped into the passenger side.

“Will is going to want you to come by after school again.”

“Let me guess another furniture piece?”

“Yep! I don’t know how she finds those. I gotta admit, I’m kind of jealous.”

“Awww, I’ll share my girlie antique furniture with you!”

“Thanks, Bell! That means a lot!” He taunted while pulling out of the drive.

“By the way, I start that new job tonight. I’ll be working throughout the week too, but I’m off Sunday if you and Will wanna hang? Maybe we can go to the movies or something. I can’t remember the last time we all hit a movie together.”

“Sounds awesome. I’m sure we can work something out.”

“We’ll have to make a trip back to Forks at some point and get your truck. That way you have something.”

“I don’t want anything to do with that town! And I sure as hell don’t want that fucking truck back.” Bella rather snipped.

Xander reared back in surprise. He remembered how excited Bella was over the phone when she told him and Willow about the truck.

“You love that truck…”

Loved,” Bella muttered while looking out the window.

“I’ll just do like you and get a job. That way I can buy a new car.”

“When are you going to have time for that?” Xander asked.

He hadn’t meant that as judgmental as it sounded.

“I’ll figure it out. I’ll have to at some point. You don’t exactly get paid for being a Slayer.”

“You should,” Xander said with a shrug.

“Agreed!” Bella said as Xander turned down the road leading to the school.



“Are you okay? You seem… Well, off….”

“I’m fine.” He muttered with a shrug, before pulling into the parking lot.

“You’d tell me if something was wrong, right?”

Xander parked the car and then killed the engine.

“There’s one thing we haven’t gone over yet. I’ve been meaning to but wasn’t sure how to approach the subject and well honestly. I was afraid you’d up and jet if I even brought it up.”

“I think I know where this is going but go ahead – shoot.”

“I get that Angel’s your little boytoy, but I don’t want him in that house. Like ever. So please respect that by not inviting him in.”

“He’s not my boytoy and I wasn’t planning to. I knew what I was getting into when I agreed to move in with you. Angel knew that as well.”

Xander gave a mere nod as he started to open his door.

“But while we’re on the subject…” Bella called and Xander let out a childlike groan.

“And here we go…” Xander muttered under his breath.

“I’ve been wanting to ask you something as well.”

“Is it a question that is sure to start one of our yearly squabbles?”

“Depends on your answer.” She said while staring at the contents of the bag Giles had given her.

The bag contained the usual composition notebooks, paper, pens, pencils, and map colors. But in a hidden compartment was a bottle of holy water, a stake, and a silver letter opener.

“Oh, goodie! I hate it when we get along. It’s time to ruffle things up a bit.” He said with mocking enjoyment.

“Funny, but seriously. I want you to tell me the truth.” She said while peering over and looking him in the eyes.

“Ah, now. See, the way you said that indicates you don’t want the truth. You me to sugarcoat my response, that way you feel better about whatever it is you have to ask me.”

“ALEX!” Bella irritably scolded.

“Finnne! Just ask me already!” Xander impatiently groaned.

“If Angel’s life was on the line and you were the only one that could save him, would you let him die?”

“What kind of question is that?”

“Just answer it!”

“No, I don’t think I will,” Xander said then stepped out of the car.

Bella gritted her teeth. She hopped out and then chased after her cousin as he headed for the building.

“You wouldn’t! I’m right, aren’t I?!” Bella shouted, gathering everyone in the parking lot’s attention.

But she didn’t care.

Xander froze with his back to her.

“That’s what you were hinting at when I was in the hospital. You would let Angel die!”

“Uh, oh…” Willow muttered as she and Oz joined them in the parking lot.

Xander spun around and faced his cousin.

“What do you want me to say? Hm? Tell me and I’ll say it! Whatever it takes to keep your ass here!”

Bella laughed in disbelief.

“That’s right, Alex. Lie to me. Lie to me, just like everyone else has!” Bella sarcastically muttered with the Cullens and Jacob in mind.

“All right, I’d save him.” Xander retorted with a shrug then headed inside.

Bella came to a halt, then closed her eyes.

“Hey… You okay?”

Bella opened her eyes to see Willow and Oz standing in front of her now.

“No, I’m not.” She said, then pushed past them.

She headed for Xander’s locker and blocked him from any escape attempt.

“I want to trust you.” She whispered.

“You can trust me. You can trust me to do the right thing when no one else will!” Xander said while switching his books out.

“Why do you hate him so much?”

Xander looked around the area. He couldn’t really answer that here. Xander stuffed the remaining books inside, slammed his locker shut, then took his cousin by the arm. He towed her into the library. Xander made certain no one was there before answering her question.

“I should be the one asking you how you can NOT hate him?!”


“He said he told you the truth.”

“Well, yeah.”

“Then how can you stand to look at him, much less sleep with him?!”

“Because that isn’t who he is!”

“Man, he really has you fooled.”

“Angel has no control over what Angelus does!”

“Angelus is Angel, only without a soul. Don’t you get it?”

“So, you’re saying he should have control even without a soul? Have you personally experienced this, if so, maybe you could give him some pointers? You know since you’re so knowledgeable!”

“You weren’t here. You weren’t here to see the damage Angelus left behind. And you weren’t here to see the torment he put everyone through!”

“Again, this is Angelus we’re talking about, not Angel!” Bella defended.

“You’re right. We are talking about Angelus. But if Angel didn’t exist, there would be no Angelus!”

Bella’s jaw dropped and Xander rolled his eyes.

“Don’t give me that look. If Angel truly cared about anyone, he’d meet the sun and be done with it!”

Bella staggered back at her cousin’s cruel words.

“So, what you’re saying is…. Angel should go and commit suicide?!”

“Well, when you put it that way…”

“I can’t believe we share the same DNA!” Bella all but growled.

“Trust me, I’ve thought the same thing myself. Why would you put yourself in that kind of situation? What’s to keep Angel from waking up as Angelus one day and ending you right there?! Hell, he might even rape you first.”

Bella acted as if she were going to sock him one but backed away instead. Had it been Buffy, she would’ve slapped him. Hell, Buffy had before.

“Bell, I…” Xander muttered in apology.

“Don’t… Just… Just leave me alone.” Bella said before storming out of the library.

Xander recoiled, then cursed under his breath.

“You won’t get through to her like that. But it seems you and I have similar mindsets. I’m not too fond of this Angel myself. But tell me more about this Angelus fellow.”

Xander peered back and saw Bram sitting where Giles usually sits. Xander recoiled. He had no clue he was even there. He didn’t see how Bram could’ve been! Xander scoped the place out before they even started talking!

Bram adjusted his glasses and waited for a response.

“Why? It’s not like you’re going to do anything about it… Giles certainly hasn’t!”  Xander said and Bram cocked a brow at this.

“And I’m not Giles…”

“Could be worse…” Bella heard Harmony say as she took her seat.

She and Cordelia were in deep conversation about something, but Bella hadn’t a clue what it was about.

“Not sure what could make this situation any worse!” Cordelia whined.

“Well, he could’ve been the blind date!” Harmony said with a finger pointed in Jonathon’s direction.

Jonathon was just sitting there minding his own business. He wasn’t even looking in their direction.

“Could you imagine?” One of the other girls said.

Jonathon didn’t comment as he stared at his computer screen. He sunk into his chair as if trying to make himself invisible.

“Please. You’re going to give me nightmares!” Cordelia said while eyeing Jonathon down like he was diseased.

Bella saw the tortured look on Jonathon’s face and had to say something.

“Let’s just hope her blind date was deaf too. Could you imagine having to listen to Christina rant about herself all night long?” Bella said under her breath and Jonathon smiled.

“Her name’s Cordelia.” Jonathon corrected.

“Is it?” Bella whispered with a playful wink.

Jonathon chuckled once he realized what Bella was doing.

“What are you two rambling on about?” Cordelia noisily questioned.

“Oh, my God!” Bella said after glancing back in Cordelia’s direction.


“Your hair!”

“What’s wrong with my hair?”

Cordelia didn’t give Bella time to respond. She took off in a huff and headed straight for the ladies’ room.

Bella sent Ms. Calendar an apologetic smile. Ms. Calendar shook her head in a reprimanding manner but was trying not to laugh.

“There was nothing wrong with my hair!” Cordelia said after cornering Bella in the hallway after class.

“If you say so.”

“And I heard what you said!”

“And what was it I said?” Bella challenged.

“You said that you hoped my blind date was deaf!” Cordelia scoffed.

“Well, good. That means you’re not deaf!” Bella taunted, then started to walk away.

Cordelia and her group of friends blocked Bella’s path.

“I’m onto you…” Cordelia said.

“Um, okay…”

“You think I don’t know what you’re doing? Because I do.”

“Okay, at least someone does. Mind getting the hell out of my way now?”

“It’s you that better stay out of my way!” Cordelia warned and her friends nodded in agreement.

“Look, Claudia.”

“IT’S CORDELIA!” Cordelia frustratedly barked.

“Right. Well, whoever you are, you have exactly five seconds to get out of my face.”

“Or what?”

Bella didn’t respond. She merely counted to five and within a flash, she had Cordelia up against the wall and with a firm hand pressed against her sternum. The entire hallway grew quiet as they looked on.

“Mess with my friends again and find out, you got me?” Bella hissed. Cordelia recoiled, then signaled for her friends to back off.

Bella dropped her hold and then backed away. She watched as Cordelia gathered her friends as well as her pride and practically ran out of the hallway.

“Ms. Swan, a word?” Bella heard.

She cranked her head and saw Ms. Calendar standing outside her door. Bella flinched but headed on over. Ms. Calendar waved her inside and then shut the door behind her.

“Are you alright?” Ms. Calendar asked, and Bella nodded.

“I’m sorry. I took things too far and I know that. I just…”

“I get it. More than you realize. But you’re right. You took it to an unhealthy place. For better or worse, you just won the lottery when it comes to physical strength, but don’t become like the last Slayer and forget to use your mind. That is your greatest weapon from what I’ve seen.” Ms. Calendar trailed off after seeing the defeated look on Bella’s face.

“It’s a lot to take in, isn’t it?” Ms. Calendar sympathetically put.

“Sometimes,” Bella admitted.

“It’ll take some getting used to. But you can do this. Remember, my door is always open if you need anything, anything at all.”

“Thank you.”

“Anytime. You better get to class.” Ms. Calendar said after looking at the time.

Bella could hear the girls gossiping about the handprint on her shoulder as she got into her swimsuit. This had Bella thinking back to Edward and how he didn’t question how she got that or why that was there. She wondered if he even saw it or if he was too far gone by that point to even care.

Bella glanced at her reflection as she adjusted the straps along her shoulders.

“So, is it true?” One of the gossiping girls questioned as they made their way over.

Bella narrowed her eyes as she put her hair up.

“Is what true?” Bella asked as she had four girls crowding her.

They weren’t being mean or anything. Still, it made her uncomfortable.

“That the basement’s haunted?”

“Something like that…” Bella uttered. She wasn’t about mention the Hellmouth and how they were basically standing on top of it. Hell, the entire school was!

“So, what did it feel like… You know, when whatever it was touched you?” Another girl questioned.

“It was cold. But like burning cold, almost like getting frostbite, if that makes sense.”

“Can we touch it?”

Bella thought back to what Angel sensed when he came into contact with the handprint and how whatever it was had claimed her.

“I’d prefer if you didn’t.” Bella politely put and the girls nodded in understanding.

They headed out of the locker room and Bella followed. The girls and Bella swam their usual laps as Coach Waters timed them one by one.

“Looks like you’re getting the hang of it, Swan! Excellent job!” Coach Waters praised as Bella scored higher than most of the others. This put her in third place. Bella could’ve been first easily but didn’t think it fair to the others who were actually there to swim. Whereas, Bella was there just to earn her credits and it wasn’t a class she particularly enjoyed. That’s not to say she hated it. It wasn’t something she would’ve picked out for herself.

The Coach let the girls that had already finished their laps freestyle while he finished with the other students. Bella looked at the clock hanging in the pool area. She had a good twenty minutes before class ended. Bella couldn’t contain her curiosity. Her conversation with the girls had her thinking back to what took place in that basement. Bella couldn’t help but wonder why she hadn’t sensed or heard anything since that day. Bella thought now would be a good time to do some investigating while things were on the quiet side. That and she needed to get her mind off her recent argument with Xander.

Bella snuck out of the pool area and headed for the basement entrance. Bella could tell someone had broken the lock Coach Waters himself had put there. When she stepped into the basement there was caution tape throughout the first few five feet. Bella had to maneuver around the tape, so as not to disturb it or to give herself away. Still, she couldn’t help but wonder who had broken the lock in the first place. Was someone else down here? Or had one of the faculty done that?

Bella was extra cautious as she approached the door that caused her so much trouble last time. She thought back to that chilling voice and how whatever it was had pulled her through that door. Bella placed a hand along it and then carefully pushed it open. Bella drew back an uneasy breath as she entered the room of what she assumed to be the official Hellmouth gate.  Bella squatted down, then placed a hand along the area that had tried to pull her through that day.

“Like it never even happened,” Bella whispered as the ground not only looked but felt completely normal.

“That’s crazy.”

“What’s crazy is you being down here! And I knew it! I knew I’d find you down here eventually.”

“Angel?” Bella called as she rose to her feet.

She could hear him but couldn’t see him. Angel stepped out from the shadows and gave a mere nod.

“How’d you… I mean when did…” Bella stuttered in surprise.

Angel inched on over but shook his head in a reprimanding manner.

“I must admit. It took you longer than I thought it would. I expected to see you down here Thursday.”

Bella tilted her head in misunderstanding.

Wait… Are saying that when I woke up Thursday and Friday… You told me you had to feed!”

“I did, but I also needed to beat the sun over here…” Angel explained.

“So, you’ve been keeping guard of the Hellmouth?”

“Someone has to, at least while you’re in school anyway.”

“Angel. No one asked you to…”

“I’m well aware of that.” He said while eyeing her down in disapproval.

“You’re pissed,” Bella muttered.

“Can you blame me? Why are you down here, Bella?! Are you trying to get yourself into trouble?”

“Angel, I…”

“You what? Thought you’d enjoy the scenery?” Angel witted.

“Did you forget what happened when you were down here last?” He said with an indicating gesture toward her shoulder.

Bella recoiled and Angel sighed.

“Bella, I need you to see things from my perspective. I’m down here because I want to make sure whatever it was that called to you, doesn’t hurt you again. But you willingly showing up, doesn’t help my nerves any. What would happen if I wasn’t down here, and something happened to you?! Do you even see where I’m coming from here? You could disappear and no one would’ve even known where you went or where you were last seen!”

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to…”

“I don’t need an apology. What I need is to know you’re looking out for yourself. And you can do that by avoiding this area altogether.”

“You’re right. I’m sorry. I wasn’t thinking, I just….”

“Stop apologizing!” He said as he reached out, took her by the hand then pulled her toward him.

“Dig the suit by the way.” He said before kissing her.

Angel put his forehead to hers afterward.

“You better get to class, before I end up trapping you down here myself,” Angel murmured while running a hand along her ass.

“Angel…” Bella scolded with a giggle.

“Go on.” He said while giving her ass a gentle nudge toward the door.

Bella nodded and started to head out.

“I love you!” He called.

Bella smiled but with her back to him.

“Love you too.” She said in return but with an extra little sway to her hips.

Bella was making up excuses for being late in her head as she headed for her next class. She was only a couple of minutes late but knew the principal would have her ass if word got back to him, the last thing she wanted was weekend detention on top of her Saturday classes.

Bella entered the English Literature room and saw Bram sitting at the teacher’s desk. This was a class that had been filled with a sub for the last couple of weeks or so, at least that’s what Bella’s understanding was. Bella didn’t grasp why her Watcher was sitting at that desk. Not until he stood up and introduced himself as the class’s new teacher. He even wrote Mr. MacKay on the board.

Bella’s jaw dropped in disbelief.

“Is there a problem, Miss Swan?” Bram taunted and Bella shook her head in response.

Bram chuckled, then handed out a stack of papers to the class.

“This is so fucked up and you know it.” Bella quietly hissed when Bram approached her desk.

“And did you shave?” She asked as his usual stubble was gone.

“Language, Miss Swan!” Bram scolded as he handed her assignment over.

“Sir, you do realize this is English Literature, right?” Bella called after looking her paper over.

“Well, yes,” Bram said but sounded somewhat unsure.

“Then why are you handing out Algebra 1 assignments?” Bella asked and the class regarded Bram in question as well.

“Don’t question it, just do your bloody work!” Bram said before taking a seat and kicking his legs up on the desk.

“Seriously!” Bella hissed after everyone else cleared the room.

Bram cocked a brow as he collected the assignments left on the desks.

“What are you doing?”

“Gathering today’s work!”

“No, I mean why are you here? We both know you are so NOT teacher material!”

“Now, that hurt! I have you know I’m an excellent teacher!”

“Are you now?” Bella challenged.

“Well, I’ve taught you a few things…”

“Like what?!”

“Well, there’s…” Bram trailed off in thought.


“Yeah, wanna try that again?” Bella said and Bram sighed.

“You know, it’s outspoken children like you that cause unrest!”

“Now, why don’t you pull the door too? That way we can have a little chat.” He said with a handful of papers.


“The sheriff’s office back in Forks.” He said and Bella moaned.

“Relax. It’s actually good news for once.” Bram leaned against the desk and then signaled for Bella to have a seat.

“You’ve been cleared.” He said and Bella let out a breath of relief.

“However, you will have to make an appearance sometime soon.” He said before folding his arms about his chest and crossing his legs.


“Something about your father’s estate. A lawyer will be headed there in a couple of weeks or so. He will have you sign some papers and go over a few things your father requested.”


“From my understanding, your father was very thorough in his will.”

“How do you know all this?”

“I may or may not have pretended to be your lawyer and fished out some information.”

“Seriously?” Bella hissed.

“You’re welcome! Now, that you’re free. It’s time to enjoy life!”

“I’m not free and I won’t be. Not until I’ve left Forks behind completely.” Bella said before coming to her feet.

She was headed out the door when Bram called her.

“Don’t let those pompous bastards taint whatever memories you had with your father while you were in that town. You’re going to want those back one day and will find yourself headed there for that sole purpose.”

Oz and Willow exchanged glances as they were fifteen minutes into lunch and Xander and Bella spent that entire time giving each other the silent treatment.

“What’s come over you two?” Willow asked as Xander was making some sort of miniature fort out of his lunch roll.

Xander lifted his eyes but continued with his building.

“Nothing. We’re perfectly fine. Aren’t we, Bell?” He said.

“Sure. Just freaking peachy.” Bella muttered with an eye roll.

“See?! Everything’s great!” Xander exaggerated.

Oz raised his brows but didn’t comment.

“Oh, well my mistake.” Willow uncomfortably muttered.

“I almost forgot. I thought you could come by again sometime after school.”

“Did you find something else?” Bella asked.

“Yeah, and it’s really cool!”

“Willow, I told you not to worry about…”

Oz made a cutthroat gesture and Bella reared back after seeing the wounded expression on Willow’s face.

“I know. But I couldn’t resist, and I knew you really needed a bed! I mean, that couch looks really uncomfortable.”

“You got me a bed?”

“Well, yeah… It was supposed to be a surprise though.” Willow pouted as she picked at the tab of her soda.

“Willow…” Bella uttered apologetically.

“How much are you spending on this stuff?”

“Oh, it’s hardly anything! I promise! Look, just come by after school, please?”

“Of course.”

“You know, we really gotta stop meeting like this,” Xander said.

Rose froze before craning her neck in that direction.

“How’d you? There’s no way you knew I was here!” The cold one snapped and Xander smiled as they were standing out by the bushes outside the school grounds.

“Well, I did.” He said with a proud shrug.

“That isn’t possible!” She hissed.

“Isn’t this kind of dangerous? You know, being out in the sun and all?”

“Why do you think I waited for a cloudy day?” She said with an indicating gesture toward the cloud-covered sky.

“Oh, so you don’t sparkle when…” Xander paused after seeing the concerned look on her face.

“What’s wrong?”

“I think my brother is going to come after Bella’s new boyfriend.”

“But he’s dead-dead. So, that isn’t possible, right?”

“I’m not talking about Edward. I’m talking about someone much more dangerous. Someone that won’t think twice about hurting Bella if she gets in the way.”

“Well, you’re going to protect her, right?”

Rose sighed in thought.

“I’ll do what I can, but I won’t lie. No one fights Jasper and lives to talk about it.”

Xander narrowed his eyes as he processed what Rose was telling him.

“So, what you’re saying is… You’d die.”

Rose smiled as if the mere idea pleased her.

“That wouldn’t be such a bad thing.”

Wait… Are you saying you want to die?”

“I’ve wanted to die ever since I died the first time.” Rose ominously murmured.

“What does that even mean?”

“It means there’s no way I can take Jasper on, but it’ll give Bella’s new squeeze a running chance.”

“Well, then I guess I need to break out Soldier-boy again!” Xander said while striking a heroic pose.

Rose just looked annoyed, “Who?”

“I’ll have to drop you off if you’re headed to Willow’s after school. Will you be okay walking back?”

“I’ll be fine,” Bella said as she and Xander were in their sixth-period US government and politics class now.

“You sure? I bet if you ask, Will’s parents can give you a ride home. It is a bit of a walk.” Xander said and Bella glanced over in disbelief.

“Hey, just because we had a disagreement doesn’t mean I don’t care about your well-being.”

“It was one hell of a disagreement, Alex! We’re talking about someone’s life here.”

“And I’m talking about an entire town…” Xander paused in thought.

“As I said, you weren’t here. So, you have no idea.”

“You’re right, I wasn’t. But something tells me even if I were, I wouldn’t be set out on killing him. There must be another way.”

“Oh, believe me. We’ve tried everything we can think of, outside of killing him.” Xander whispered.

“Can we stop? Please. Just…” Bella uttered as she grew incredibly pale.

“Hey…” Xander called once she saw how sickly she was looking.

“You just can’t talk like that, alright?” Bella said and Xander nodded but half expected her to pass out where she was sitting.

Bella raised her hand afterward and asked to be excused so she could go to the bathroom.

Bella barely made it before upchucking in one of the sinks. The more she thought about Xander’s feelings when it came to Angel, the sicker she felt. Her heart was pounding, and she found it hard to breathe. All she could think about was one or the other killing each other. That would destroy her, no matter the outcome.

Bella was leaning over the sink and focused on calming down when she heard what sounded like someone crying.

Bella lifted her head and glanced into the mirror to see if she could make out anyone else’s reflection. But as far as she could tell, she was the only one in the room.

“Hello?” Bella awkwardly called.

Bella went as far as to check the stalls to see if she saw anyone sitting in one of them.

“Is everything okay?” Bella asked and the crying temporarily stopped.

“Can you hear me?” A small and frightened feminine voice questioned.

“Yeah… Are you okay?” Bella said while glancing at the stalls again but through one of the mirrors this time.

Bella jumped when one of the stall doors flew open. She could make out a teenage girl’s reflection. The girl had this horrified look on her face and was staring at Bella. Bella swore she’d seen this girl on campus before, as a student.

“Please help me.” The girl cried.

Bella pivoted around, so she could get a better look at the girl. But when she did this, there was no one there.

“Are you still here?” Bella unnervingly asked but didn’t receive an answer.

And when she glanced back at the mirror, the girl’s reflection was gone as well.

“Okay, so I’m losing my mind…” Bella whispered before opening the stall doors, one by one, and checking them yet again.

“What the fuck?” She whispered.

A group of girls entered the bathroom not long after this, but Bella’s little visitor was long gone.

“I was starting to wonder if you got stuck or something.” Xander taunted after Bella made her way back to her seat.

Bella didn’t comment. If anything, she looked paler than before.

“Look, I-” Xander started to say but the bell rang and Bella damn near bolted out of the room.

Bella spent all the eighth period thinking about that girl and wondering if she was real or if she was indeed losing her mind. She couldn’t get over how terrified the girl looked. Bella wanted to help her but hadn’t a clue as to how and that was if the girl even existed in the first place.

“We will start taking Fall edition pictures Wednesday. If you haven’t been assigned a camera yet, come see me after class.” Bella caught the tail end of that announcement as class was dismissed.

Bella headed for the teacher’s desk where she was handed a form to fill out. She saw that she had to pay five hundred dollars if something happened to the camera she was assigned to. She was somewhat hesitant after seeing that but went ahead and filled out the form.

“Thank you!” The teacher said before handing Bella’s camera over.

“You will turn that in at the end of the year.” The teacher said and Bella nodded in understanding.

Bella met Willow, Xander, and Oz in the library after school. That had become the norm for them. They would catch up with Giles and see how things were going and if there was anything new, they needed to discuss. Then Bella would train with Bram and Giles for a little bit before heading to Willow’s and then home. Once it was dark, she would patrol the cemeteries where she and Angel would meet. Bella learned that Angel had his own methods when it came to training Bella. She never knew what to expect.

“Willow?” Bella called as the four of them were sitting at the table.

“Yeah?” Willow responded as she flipped through one of her books.

“Have you never seen or heard anything odd in the ladies’ room?” Bella asked gathering everyone’s attention, including Giles as he was standing by one of the bookcases.

“You mean besides the usual queefs and exiting of bodily fluids?” Xander smarted.

This had Willow and Bella regarding Xander in disbelief.

“You did you just say queef?” Bella questioned and Xander nodded.

“Well, it is something you ladies do, right? Vaginal farting?”

“Do you even know what causes that?” Bella challenged.

“Well, yeah…” Xander said with a shrug.

“Enlighten us…” Bella said.

“Eh… Well… Uh…” Xander faltered once remembered who his audience was.

“I think I hear a Twinkie calling my name. Oh, annnnd I’m late for work. Sorry, Bell! You have to catch a ride with one of these fine people! But I’ll be off around eight since it’s orientation day.” He said before rushing out the door.

“I can take you and Willow home,’ Oz offered.

“Actually, it might be better if I walk. I don’t want you two waiting around while I’m training.” Bella said.

“Doesn’t bother me any…” Oz said with a shrug.

“Me neither! We can wait! Besides, we’d love to watch you train.” Willow said with her usual upbeat mannerism.

“That sounded super weird out loud,” Willow whispered with a flushed face and Oz chuckled.

“Are you sure? I don’t want to put either of you out.”

“Positive! Do what you gotta do! But wait… What were you trying to tell me when you asked me about the bathroom?” Willow questioned as they heard someone screaming in the hallway next to the library.

Bella shot to her feet, then hurried off in that direction. Giles and the Scoobies followed but kept their distance. One of Cordelia’s friends was standing against the wall across from her locker and screaming at the top of her lungs.

Bella rushed over as Cordelia, and Harmony just stood there looking on in shock.

“What happened?” Bella asked.

“Why do you care?” Cordelia snipped and Bella shook her head.

She looked in the girl’s locker but didn’t see anything. But the girl was looking in that direction with absolute fear. Just as Bella was to gather the girl’s attention and ask what was wrong. The girl’s eyes rolled into the back of her head, and she collapsed.

Bella dropped to her knees, then felt for a pulse.

“Call 911.” Bella calmly ordered as she began CPR.

“What?!” Cordelia said in a panic.

Bella continued chest compressions but glanced in that direction.

“Call 911 and tell them your friend needs help!”

“…right… I’ll uhh, I’ll do that!” Cordelia uttered with trembling hands.

Once Bella got to thirty compressions, she pinched the girl’s nose shut and then breathed into her mouth.

Everyone looked on in horror as Bella did everything she could to bring the girl’s pulse back.

“COME ON!” Bella shouted as she returned to the compressions.

She kept her Slayer strength in mind and was careful not to break any ribs.

Bella could hear the sirens as the Fire Department and Paramedics arrived. It wasn’t long before she saw them rushing down the hallway with a stretcher. Bella continued, knowing she couldn’t stop until there was someone to relieve her. To her and everyone else’s relief the girl let out a gasp and then sat up in confusion.

“For fuck’s sake…” Bella whispered with a hand over her own heart.

She backed away and let the paramedics do their job. One of them went on to congratulate Bella on a job well done and praised her for saving the girl’s life.

Bella nodded but was clearly shaken as she watched them wheel the girl away. The police entered the building not long after and went on to question Bella and other surrounding students. Principal Snyder was questioned as well but admitted he hadn’t a clue what was going on. Bella couldn’t help but notice the accusatory glances the principal was giving her while he was being questioned.

“Are you alright?” Bram questioned as he caught the tail end of the situation.

Bella gave a mere nod before excusing herself and returning to the library.

Giles and the Scoobies exchanged glances on this but headed back to the library as well.

They entered the library, to see Bella digging through Bram’s and Giles’s collection of books.

“Looking for something in particular?” Giles asked as he hoped to be of assistance.

“You’re going to laugh at the irony, but I think we’re dealing with a haunting here,” Bella said with Coach Water’s comment about the basement in mind.

“Wouldn’t be the first,” Giles muttered under his breath.

Bella froze then peered over in question.

“The Hellmouth has been known to bring quite a few things into…” Giles trailed off when Principal Snyder entered the library.

Oz and Willow acted as if they were working on an assignment at one of the tables. Bram flipped through one of the books as he stood by one of the bookcases.

Giles and Bella stayed in place as they had nowhere else to go and Principal Snyder was headed right for them.

“Mind telling me what that was about?” Principal Snyder questioned with a finger pointed in Bella’s direction.

“Which part, Mr. Snyder? The part where she saved a student’s life or the part where she saved your reputation as the principal of this school?” Giles crossly interrupted.

“Now, if this isn’t déjà vu…” The principal muttered as he glanced back and forth between Bella and Giles.

“Is Swan here Summers’s new replacement as the librarian’s favorite student?”

“Maybe the school board would like to hear how the so-called principal of this school keeps targeting young girls….” Giles retorted, taking Bella and the Scoobies by surprise.

The principal acted as if he wanted to say something but frowned instead, then exited the room.

“Oh, how Alex wishes he was here to see that!” Bella said with a grin and Giles chuckled.

“Now, back to our conversation…” Giles said while waving Bella into his office.

He shut the door behind him, and Bram bitched under his breath as he slammed the book he was holding down. Oz and Willow glanced over.

“Everything okay?” Willow asked.

“It’s like she forgets I’m her Watcher!” Bram pouted and Willow giggled.

The Watcher cocked a brow at this, and Willow cleared her throat.

“Right. Sorry. Bad Bella! She… She should consider your feelings!” Willow said with a firm nod.

“That’s what I’ve been saying!” Bram scoffed.

“I’m taking away her TV privileges!” Bram added in a father-like manner.

Oz narrowed his eyes and then looked at Willow.

“Does she even own a TV?” He whispered.

“Well, she doesn’t now!” Willow witted.

“Sorry, Willow. I think we’re going to have to cancel those plans.” Bella uttered apologetically after stepping out of Giles’s office. She and Giles were in deep conversation as they were discussing something in one of the books she had in hand.

“That’s okay. I understand. You got Slayer things to do.” Willow said but there was no disguising the disappointment in her voice.

Bella lifted her head as she picked up on this, and locked eyes with Willow.

“I could use some help if you two want to stay behind and do a little ghost hunting with me…”

Bella knew Willow hated being left out. She’d known that about her ever since they were little. Willow froze with her backpack in hand.

“You. You want our help?” Willow said with a delighted beam.

“Well, you are the Scoobies, right? Doesn’t that kind of make you the pilots of the Mystery Machine?”

“I don’t think she’s seen Scooby-Doo,” Oz muttered.

“Everyone’s seen Scooby-Doo!”

“She thinks the Mystery Machine is a private jet or something.”

Bella laughed after picking up on Willow and Oz’s conversation.

“I meant that metaphorically. As I’m in I’m the Mystery Machine and you three help guide me.” Bella explained.

“That would make more sense,” Oz uttered as if in deep thought.

“We’d love to help!” Willow eagerly put and Bella smiled.

“Awesome. Just be prepared. We could be in for a long night.” Bella warned.

“Nothing we haven’t dealt with before,” Oz said with a shrug.

“Cool,” Bella uttered before going back to whatever book she had.

“You do realize I’m still here, right?” Bram said and Bella glanced up.

“Well aware.”


“Well, what?”

“Are you going to let me in on what you and your new Watcher were talking about?”

“New Watcher?” Bella asked.

“That’s right! I’ve seen how you look at him.”

Angel had entered the room at this point but only Oz and Willow had taken notice.

“How I look at him?” Bella questioned with a touch of a giggle.

“That’s right. It’s like you’re hoping for a new daddy or something!”

Angel raised his brows but didn’t comment.

“New daddy?” Bella said with a frustrated eye roll.

“Yeah! You don’t want Daddy Bram anymore! You want that bloody pompous git with the tacky hair, and tightly wound bullocks!

“You think my hair’s tacky?” Angel woundedly whispered as he patted his hair down.

Bella peered back in surprise.

“Not you, you bloody twit!” Bram said as he grabbed Bella and pulled her toward him.

“She’s my Slayer. Get your own!” Bram said with a finger pointed in Giles’s direction as he stepped out of his office.

“Seriously?” Bella hissed with a flushed face.

Giles took a seat with a cup of tea in hand. He sent Bram a puzzled look as he stirred it.

“You are such a child,” Bella whispered after prying out of her Watcher’s hold.

“And you are a… “

“A what?” She challenged before greeting Angel with a peck on the lips.

“I was surprised to see you were still here,” Angel said before taking a seat and pulling Bella into his lap. He did this on instinct. He wasn’t thinking about Bram or anyone else’s reaction.

“How’d you know I was here?”

“I picked up your scent when I passed by…” Angel shamelessly uttered.

“Oh…” Bella said with a blush.

“You’re a forty-year-old woman stuck in the body of an eighteen-year-old girl!” Bram fired after a solid thirty seconds had passed.

Bella raised her brows at this.

“That’s all you got?” She said and Bram rolled his eyes.

“Looking good for forty,” Angel complimented, and Bella laughed.

“Thank you!”

“Looking good for forty…” Bram immaturely mocked as he too had a seat but in the far back.

Giles started to say something about what he and Bella found only to be struck stupid by who walked into the room next.

“Hey…” The young woman greeted everyone with a smile.

Willow was first to shoot to her feet. Angel tensed up but didn’t budge. If anything, Angel held onto Bella as if his life depended on it.

“Long time no see,” Oz uttered but didn’t look particularly happy to see her.

“Is it really you?” Willow happily murmured after hugging her.

“Yeah, it’s me, Willow.” She reassuringly murmured.

Giles removed his glasses, cleaned them, then put them back on as if his vision were giving him fits. Just as he was about to comment, another person entered the room.

“Well, look at what the cat dragged in. I thought it was you!” Xander said as he was in full Dairy Cow uniform, looking not only hurt but pissed.

“And you are?” The young woman asked with an indicating nod in Bella’s direction.

“Bella, and you must be Buffy…”

An excitable squeal escaped Bram. He slapped a hand over his mouth but had a grin going from ear to ear.

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8 thoughts on “Hellmouth’s Twilight Chapter 11 – Mystery Machine”

    1. It’s very kind and so Bella to include Willow in the plans and to save that girl. I suspect the crying “moaning Myrtle” girl in the bathroom with Bella is the one who attacked the “mean girl” in the hall?

      I hope Angel’s lecture got through to Bella about not looking for trouble. He’s right and scared for her.

      However, Xander comes off as a controlling jerk to me. Hmmm…. He’s very funny and friendly ONLY if you agree with his wants in the name of your “safety”.

      Bram’s hatred of Angel “just” because of “what” he is is becoming very annoying. Can poor Bella request or start using a new/replacement watcher? 😉 Maybe Buffy will want and take Bram as her new watcher. 😉 LOL

      I adore that Angel loves the pda with Bella.

      Thanks for writing and sharing.

  1. did bram have to jinx it…i mean seriously…stop jinxing things dude. next thing u jinx might be even worse…maybe…oh hell buffy is trouble i just bet she is gonna make loads more trouble.

  2. Oh boy things are going to hit the fan. Buffy is back and Jasper is out to get Angel. Can’t wait for the next chapter.

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