Hellmouth’s Twilight Chapter 1 – The Visit

Hellmouth’s Twilight

By Harley Wilson

Chapter 1 – The Visit

“Look, there she is! Let’s go, Xander!”

Willow took Xander by the hand as they rushed off to greet his favorite cousin. A cousin that was more like a sister and spent the entire summer with him every year. Every summer but this last one. Xander had called and let her know it wasn’t a good time. He could tell she was disappointed, but he couldn’t run the risk of putting Bella in danger. Of course, that was around the time they were dealing with the Aurelian vampires. And while things weren’t exactly safe at this very moment, they were calmer, well, calm for Sunnydale anyway.

“Same ole, Bell.”

Bella wore her usual style of clothes-a rather snug burgundy wine long-sleeved shirt, gray skinny jeans, and black Converse. Xander didn’t like it. There was no denying that Bella had hit her peak since they’d last seen her. She was no longer the beanpole he once knew. No, she was curvy, with big chocolate-brown eyes and long ash-brown hair. Xander frowned in thought.

Boys. There will be boys—lots of gross, disgusting, perverted boys, much like myself. 

Xander chuckled when Bella tripped over someone’s luggage as she was coming off the escalator.

Well, she certainly hasn’t changed in that department.

She managed to catch herself before faceplanting into a nearby garbage bin.

“Be nice. It was a long flight.” Willow hissed as she smiled and waved in Bella’s direction.

Bella smiled and waved in response, then adjusted the straps to her hideous copper-colored Jansport backpack.

“Seriously, Alex?” Bella scolded after making her way over.

Bella snatched the homemade “Clodhopper Marie Chalkface Swan” sign out of her cousin’s hand, then ripped it in half.

“Hey, I worked hard on that!”

Xander wasn’t lying, either. He had it fully decorated with green and yellow glitter and various cactus stickers. The letters themselves were colored with marker. Xander knew his cousin had missed her original home state of Phoenix, Arizona, hence the theme of his welcome but not so welcomed sign. Bella had lived there with her mother,– Renee. That was until her mother remarried some baseball player Xander had never met. Xander wasn’t a big fan of Bella’s mother. He found her to be somewhat flighty and unbelievably self-centered. So self-centered, she had her daughter move out and move in with her ex-husband, aka Xander’s Uncle. All because she wanted to travel and be alone with her newlywed husband. So, Bella was living in Forks, Washington, now.

“Yeah, I can tell. You managed to stay in the lines this time!” Bella witted in return, and Willow laughed.

“Hey, don’t encourage her!” Xander scolded.

Bella shoved the sign’s remains into her cousin’s arms, then gave Willow a big hug.

“Awww. We missed you so much!” Willow cried in her usual chirpy way as she hugged her longtime friend.

Bella met Willow when she was six years old. They were the same age and in the same grade. Xander grew up wishing his cousin lived in Sunnydale instead of Phoenix. That way, the three of them could’ve gone to school together.

“I wonder if I can duct-tape this…,” Xander muttered under his breath.

He held the two pieces up as he examined them.

“Try it, and I’ll have you duct-taping a certain beloved appendage!”

“Jesus, Bell! Do you kiss your father that mouth?! And where’s my hug?” Xander whined as the girls walked ahead and proceeded to the baggage claim.

“Is that what you do around here? Kiss your fathers?” Bella witted in return.

The three of them watched as other passengers claimed their luggage. Xander laughed when a certain green leather bag made its way around.

“Let me guess, the faded puke-green bag from the 1970s is yours?!” Xander said as he reached for the bag.

“It’s Charlie’s!” Bella defended.

“Sure, it is,” Xander uttered while flinging the bag over his shoulder.

Bella rolled her eyes as she and Willow followed Xander to his father’s car. It was a brown and tan 1979 Chevy Malibu Station Wagon.

“Uncle Anthony let you drive his car?” Bella uttered in a state of shock.

“Eh, sure, we’ll go with that!” He said while popping the trunk open and tossing his welcome poster and Bella’s bag inside.

Willow let out a nervous laugh as Xander opened Bella’s door. He signaled for her to hop on in. Willow joined Bella in the backseat, and Xander started the car after several failed attempts.

Xander wasn’t about to tell his cousin that his father went on another drunken binge and was currently passed out in the master bath. Of course, Bella knew all about his father’s asshole ways. Still, Xander didn’t care to broadcast it. His home life was embarrassing enough, and he hated that Willow and Bella had been exposed to it, time and time again.

“So…,” Willow prompted, and Bella glanced over after getting her seatbelt on.


“I want to hear about the guy you met!”

“Guy? There’s a guy?! What guy?!” Xander nosily sputtered as he glanced through the rearview mirror.

Oh, no. It’s already happened. One of my worst fears came to life!

“There’s no guy,” Bella muttered with a dismissive shrug.

Willow smiled.

“But there’s gotta be a guy. I mean, look at you! You’re… Well, you’re perky!” Willow said with an indicating nod towards Bella’s breasts.

“Willow!” Bella scolded with a blushing giggle, and Xander shook his head in disapproval.

“I appreciate the compliment, but you’re also biased. Trust me; there’s no guy. In fact, I’m more than certain I’m invisible when it comes to the male species.”

Xander let out a breath of relief, then returned his focus to the road.

“Well, is there a girl then?” Willow asked with a wide grin.

“Oh, my God. Willow, what is with you?!” Bella said with a giggle.

“Hey! There’s nothing to be ashamed of if that’s what you’re into.”

“I’m still very much into men; they’re just not into me. But thank you, Willow.”

Oh, trust me, they are. Xander thought in pure agony.

“You’re welcome!”

“And what about you two?” Bella asked while fidgeting with a loose string on her sleeve.

“Us?Whataboutus?Ithoughtweweretalkingaboutyou!” Willow questioned in her usual rapid hyperactive babbling when she was nervous about something.

Jesus, Will. What’s that about? Xander pondered as he glanced through the rearview mirror again.

“Anyone special in your lives?”

“You’d be surprised to know this famous ladies’ man is very single,” Xander said with that dopey grin of his.

“Now, you sound like Charlie!” Bella said, and Xander chuckled.

“Where do you think I learned it from?!”

Xander took that as a massive compliment. He thought the world of his Uncle Charlie. He’d spent years wishing he could’ve had someone like Charlie in his life. But, as much as Xander didn’t care for Renee, he would’ve tolerated her bullshit any day over the hell his parents put him through.

“And you, Willow?”

“Same ole. Same ole.” Willow uttered with a disappointed shrug.

“Well, we should start our own club then!” Bella teased.

Xander and Willow laughed.

“And what would we call it?” Xander questioned as he was stopped at a red light.

“I’d say the Loser’s Club, but I’m pretty sure that one’s already taken.” Bella smarted.

“Speak for yourself! Did it ever occur to you that some of us are single by choice?!” Xander said.

Bella and Willow let out simultaneous snorts.

“Oh, is that so?” Bella said with a giggle.

“That’s right! I’ll have you know I’m saving myself for someone.” Xander said, and Willow rolled her eyes, knowing damn well whom he was referring to.

“Hold up!” Bella said as they passed a particular house in a nice little suburban area.

Xander slowed down and parked by instinct.

Willow cut Xander a dirty look through the rearview mirror. Xander grimaced once he realized what he’d done. Bella already had one foot out the door.

“What are we doing, my little clodhopper?” Xander called when Bella started up the walkway.

The lawn was slightly overgrown. Which was a rare sight for Xander, considering it was normally perfectly trimmed.

“I told you to stop calling me that!” Bella called over her shoulder.

“You just had to go down this street? And you just had to slow down when she said to?” Willow scolded.

Fuck. My. Fucking. Life. Xander thought as Bella stepped over a leaky water hose. Xander thought it a wonder she didn’t trip over it.

“Since when do you listen to anyone?!” Willow added before rushing out of the car.

Xander cursed under his breath, and he, too, exited the vehicle.

“Hey, Bella! I don’t think they’re home right now.” Willow called as Bella stopped at the front door.

“Did you need something, Bell?” Xander asked, and Willow shot him another dirty look.

“I can’t believe you did this. I thought we were going to tell her together… You know… When was the timing right?”

“When is the timing ever right, Will?”

It’s not like I planned this. It’s damn near routine – let’s see if Jesse wants to hang out!

“I’m getting my Wuthering Heights back! That’s an original that can’t be replaced. I’m tired of his excuses!” She said and started to knock on the door when Xander grabbed her forearm. He yanked Bella back towards him.

“I don’t think that’s a good idea right now.”

“I didn’t know Jesse could read,” Willow muttered in surprise.

“I doubt he read a single page. You know how he is.” Bella bitterly muttered.

“And what’s with you two? We don’t have to stay long. I’m just going to grab my book and-“

The door opened. Willow and Xander looked at one another in a panic.

“Bella?” The woman greeted in surprise.

Bella smiled.

“Hello, Mrs. McNally? Is Jesse around?” Bella asked, reminding Xander of their childhood days.

Bella reared back when Jesse’s mother burst into tears.

“Is everything o-“ Xander slapped a hand over Bella’s mouth.

“I am so sorry, Mrs. McNally. My cousin meant no harm. We hadn’t the chance to tell her yet.”

Xander explained apologetically.

“Oh, you poor dear!” Jesse’s mother tearfully exclaimed.

“Don’t go anywhere. I’ll be right back!” She called.

They could hear her rushing up the stairs to Jesse’s bedroom.

Xander dropped his hand, and Bella spun around.

“What the hell is going on?!” Bella all but growled.

Xander glanced in Willow’s direction, then back to Bella. Before Xander even had the chance to explain, Jesse’s mother was at the door again.

“He would’ve wanted you to have this. He wrapped it himself.”

Bella narrowed her eyes as Mrs. McNally handed her something wrapped in red canvas. Bella untied the black silk ribbon around it. Willow caught the ribbon before it landed on the ground. Bella staggered back as it was the book Jesse had borrowed.

“I believe that’s the only book I ever saw him read.” His mother tearfully admitted.

Bella was at a loss for words. All she could do was stare at the title. Willow gestured for Xander to wrap things up while she escorted Bella back to the car. Xander apologized once again, then headed for the car.

“She all right?” He whispered.

“Does she look all right?” Willow hissed in return.

No, not even a little. What have I done?!

“Right…” Xander shamefully uttered as he started the car.

“How’d it happen?” Bella finally murmured once they were in Xander’s driveway.

“We’re not sure.” Willow promptly lied.

Bella shook her head, then let out a rather hysterical laugh. This had Xander and Willow exchanging concerned glances once again.

“Why do you do that?” Bella asked.

“Do what?” Willow questioned.

“You know what I’m talking about! Look at you, both of you! You’ve been like this for the past year or so!”

Been like what?

Bella shook her head as she stared at the book.

“You treat me like….”

Why is this starting to sound like a conversation I’ve had with Buffy?!

“Like what, Bell?” Xander questioned with unease.

“It doesn’t matter.”

“Bella, we were going to tell you! I promise!” Willow said.

“That’s what we called you here for….” Xander said.

Bella lifted her head. She and Xander locked eyes through the rearview mirror.

“You told me you missed me! That you wanted to hang out! You didn’t say anything about a fucking funeral!”

Whoa… Where’d that come from?!

“He was your best friend,” Bella whispered.

“Yeah, and you hated him!” Xander snapped.

Which made no sense! The four of us got along great. Then BAM, those two started fighting like cats and dogs, and Bell didn’t want him around when she visited.

“I had my reasons… Jesse wasn’t exactly the nicest guy on earth!”

“You’re right. He wasn’t! But he liked you a lot! He had nothing but nice things to say when it came to you!” Xander defended on his friend’s behalf.

He wasn’t about to tell his cousin that his best friend had a crush on her.

“I’m not having this conversation. I’ll show my respects; then I’m taking the first plane out!”

“Fine. Be like that.”

What the fuck?! What crawled up her ass and died? I’ve never seen her like this! EVER!

“Don’t you even make me out to be the bad guy in this! And you, Willow, you’re just as guilty. Both of you tricked me into coming here, knowing damn well I wouldn’t have if I had known the real reason!”

“HE WAS OUR FRIEND!” Xander shouted.

“Xander…” Willow softly warned.


“Bella?” Willow called when a teardrop trickled down Bella’s face.

Xander couldn’t recall a time when he’d seen his cousin cry.

“I need some air,” Bella said, then exited the car.

“Now?!” Xander said in disapproval.

Bella didn’t comment. She threw the book down and started walking. Xander started to chase after her, only to have Willow stop him.

“Don’t.” She whispered with a hand on his shoulder.

“Will, you know Bell can’t be out past dark. She has no idea what’s lurking out there….” He hinted.

“It won’t be dark for another couple of hours. She’ll be okay.” Willow reassured.

“She needs this. I think we really screwed up this time, Xander.” Willow said while picking the book up off the ground.

“I don’t get what her deal is. I get that she didn’t grow up here, but the four of us spent a lot of time together. She could at least –“

“Xander…” Willow interrupted, looking rather ill.

Xander ignored her and continued his rambling. Willow nudged him.

“What?!” He irritably spat as he watched his cousin disappear down the block.

The pages looked as if they’d been sliced with a knife, and there was a message in Jesse’s handwriting on the very back page.

Just keep ignoring my calls. That’s fine. You need to get over yourself. I was drunk! Nothing even happened. But if it had, I would’ve been doing you a favor, and you know it!



“Tell me that doesn’t sound like what it sounds like. Because it definitely sounds like what it sounds like, doesn’t it?” He said while snatching the book out of Willow’s hand.

“I’m afraid it does.”

Xander thought back to when the fighting first started between Bella and Jesse. Jesse was fourteen, a year older than the three of them. So, Bella would’ve been thirteen.

Surely not. No way. Jesse wouldn’t… Would he?!

“What did Jesse do, Xander?” Willow asked, and Xander glanced in the direction Bella went.

“I don’t know, but if it’s anything like it sounds. We need to find a way to bring him back.”

“Bring him back?” Willow asked in misunderstanding.

“Yeah. So, I can stake his ass again!”

“My apologies.” The man said after brushing his knuckles against a young lady’s at the bookstore.

“No, that was my doing! I wasn’t paying attention.” She said, looking somewhat flustered.

The man tilted his head after getting a better look at his book rival. The young lady looked to be about the same age as Buffy. But that certainly wasn’t a book Buffy would be interested in. He was more than certain Buffy didn’t read outside of her slayer duties.

“That’s a rather odd choice for someone your age.”

“Excuse me?” She said with her dark brown eyes locked onto his hazel greens.

           Oh, my. I do believe I’ve offended her. 

“Wh-wh-where are my manners….” The man anxiously stuttered, then adjusted his glasses.

“You must be new here.” He said after handing the young lady the book.

“I’m just visiting, actually. And you can take it. I’ve already read it.” She said as she attempted to hand it back.

           She’s quite shy, isn’t she? Poor thing’s entire face flushes every time she speaks…


“Yeah, I lost my copy when I moved from my hometown a few weeks ago.”

He couldn’t but detect a certain gloom in her voice as she said this.

“I see. Well, in that case, you should have it. I-I insist.” He said, then gently pushed the book away in declination.

“Thank you?” The young lady said in the form of a question, and the man smiled.

“No need. I’m just happy to see someone your age reading Animal Farm! It’s a great read!”

“It really is!” She replied with genuine enthusiasm.

The man noted how she lit up when she said that.

“If you like that one, might I make a suggestion?” He said while thumbing through some books up top.

“Sure, I’m always up for a new book!”

The man stopped what he was doing, then held up a finger indicating for the young lady to stay put. It wasn’t long before he returned with the book he had in mind. He’d remembered reading this one when he was about her age.

“Fahrenheit 451 by Brad Radbury?” The young lady questioned as she read the title out loud.

“Yes. I do believe that might be right up your alley if you enjoy Animal Farm so much. But, of course, that is if you haven’t read it already.”

The young lady opened the book and skimmed through the cover’s summary. She seemed sincerely pleased to have a new book to read.

“I haven’t. Thank you! This sounds like one I’ll really enjoy.”

“No problem. I’m Rupert Giles, by the way. But mostly everyone calls me Giles.”

“As in Giles, the librarian from the high school here?” The young lady asked, and Giles reared back in surprise.

“Now, how did you know that?” He asked, and the young lady smiled as she closed the book.

There was something incredibly pure and innocent about her smile. Still, that touch of sadness remained.

“My cousin goes to school here. He talks about you all the time.”

“Your cousin?” Giles curiously questioned while using his index finger to push his glasses up as they had slipped down the bridge of his nose.

“Yes. Alexander Harris?”

Now, that one I did not see coming. Willow, most certainly, but Xander? Now that I think about it, there is a touch of Xander in her smile. 

“Dear me, you have my condolences.” He said, and the young lady laughed.

“I might need those condolences by the time I’m done with him.”


My word… What has Xander done now?

“Let’s just say he… Well, he…” The young lady paused for a moment as she struggled to find the right words.

“Pulled a Xander?” Giles uttered with a warm smile, and the young lady nodded.

“He’s been known to do that from time to time. His heart might be in the right place, but his head, not so much.”

“Sounds like you know him pretty well.” She uttered before adding another book to her already growing pile.

“That I do.” Giles looked at the time after he said this.

Sundown will be here in half an hour. Surely, Xander has warned her of the impending risks…

“Well, I must be going. Would you care for a ride back to Xander’s?”

“No, thank you. I’m not quite done here.” She said while reaching for another book.

“Very well. Might I suggest you head back before dark?” He uttered with concern for her well-being.

“I’m just grabbing a couple more books, and then I’ll be on my way.” She said, and Giles nodded.

“It was nice meeting you-“

Why I don’t believe I ever caught her name…

“It’s Bella. Bella Swan. Sorry, I’m a little distracted tonight.”

Clearly, whatever Xander’s done, she doesn’t seem to be forgiving him anytime soon.  

“No apologies needed. You take care, Bella. And I do hope you enjoy that book!”

And for the love of all humanity, don’t be out past dark! I’m not so sure Xander would or could live that one down. 

“Thank you, and it was nice meeting you, Giles.”

“The pleasure was all mine!”

“Thank you! And be sure to come by this Sunday for our buy one, get one half off sale!” The sales associate stated after checking Bella out at the counter.

Bella didn’t comment, knowing she wouldn’t stay long enough to enjoy that sale.

“Ugh. Great! I’ll never hear the end of it!” Bella muttered when she stepped outside the shop and saw it was already dark.

“What did I tell you about being out past dark in this town?!” Bella mocked in her cousin’s fatherlike tone.”

“This isn’t Forks, Bell! You have no idea what awaits you out there!” Bella amusingly added as she headed down the street leading to Xander’s house.

It didn’t matter that they were the same age. Xander was super protective of Bella. She hadn’t a clue as to why or where that came from. He could be a bit much at times. Bella often wondered if that had to do with his dreadful home life and not having any siblings. Like Xander, she, too, was an only child. It could get pretty lonely at times. Thankfully, Xander had Willow when Bella wasn’t around. Bella thought the world of Willow. That’s what made what happened today so painful. Granted, Bella never told them what happened.

Hell, Bella herself wasn’t even sure what had happened that day. All she knew was that Jesse had done something, something incredibly fucked up, but she wasn’t sure how or what. Bella remembered waking up and finding herself completely naked with Jesse on top of her. He was groping her breasts and kissing her. He was about to place himself inside her when she yelled for him to get off her. Jesse stopped what he was doing with this deer-caught-in-headlights expression. She could tell he hadn’t expected her to come out of whatever it was, much less get caught in the act. But even with her yelling at him to stop, he didn’t. Jesse tried yet again to have sex with her. That’s when Bella threatened to tell Xander if he didn’t get off her. To this day, Bella didn’t know if Jesse had drugged her or what had happened exactly. There was no way in hell Bella would’ve willingly slept with Jesse. To make matters worse, she was only thirteen!

Bella remembered how sore she was. While she could tell he didn’t get to the actual penetration, Jesse managed to do other things. What really pissed her off was his stupid friends. Friends that had nothing to do with her, Xander, or Willow. No, this was the popular group Jesse hung around when he wasn’t hanging around them. Jesse was too stupid to realize they hung around him as an ongoing joke. They were constantly making fun of him behind his back and talking about what a loser he was.

As for Xander and Willow? They were off doing something else that day. Bella couldn’t recall what. That’s how traumatizing the event was for her. She had no clue where they were, why they weren’t there, or how she ended up alone with Jesse in the first place. But his stupid friends swore up and down that Bella was all over him. Bella didn’t know what to say when she exited Jesse’s room to find his idiot jock friends waiting in the living room. They were sitting on the couch as if expecting her. They laughed and made fun of her “desperation.” They even went as far as to comment on some of the things they heard her say when she and Jesse were supposedly making out, right in front of them. Bella called them a bunch of liars, which only worsened matters. Jesse came out of the room and bragged about getting laid, and they believed him. Bella couldn’t believe Jesse pulled that even after threatening to tell Xander what he’d done.

Bella thought about telling Willow or Xander the truth multiple times, but humiliation and pride got in the way of that. So, Bella kept it a secret all these years. Which wasn’t easy, considering every time she had to be around Jesse after that, it triggered something within her. Something dark, something Bella had never felt before. Hence the reason for their constant bickering and Bella’s random request that Jesse not be around whenever she visited. Today made a first where Bella was willing to face him, ironically. But only to get her book back. A book she’d loaned Jesse just before the incident. A book she didn’t understand why he wanted to read in the first place. And for whatever reason, it had to be that book and not something he checked out at a library.

Jesse spent the last year or so after that harassing Bella about not only forgiving him but more or less demanding that she go out with him. Jesse went as far as to tell Bella they were meant for one another.

Bella had a good half-hour walk ahead of her. She placed her books in her backpack, then prepared herself for a long walk back. Bella was ten minutes in when she heard what sounded like multiple footsteps behind her. She did her best to ignore them but swore they were getting closer. Bella picked up the pace, hoping it was just her imagination. Bella let out an irritated groan when someone cut her off from one of the alleyways.

“Whatcha got in the bag, sweetheart?”

Bella rolled her in disbelief.

“None of your business, that’s what.” She impatiently spat.

Bella wasn’t in the mood to be messed with right now. She needed to hurry and get back.

“Is that so?” The man replied.

Bella rolled her eyes, then attempted to walk around the middle-aged five-foot-seven curly ginger-haired man.

“Come on now. Don’t be like that, baby.” He said while grabbing her by the arm.

Bella yanked out of his hold. She spun around to find herself cornered by four more, making five men total. They, too, were ginger-haired and around the same height and age. They were even dressed in the same salmon-colored polo shirt, faded denim jeans, and white Nikes. Bella was more than certain they were brothers.

“Seriously?!” Bella hissed.

“All of this over three dollars and a stack of books?! Don’t you have something better to do?”

“You hear that, fellas? The little lady is offering her services!”

Fellas? So, I’m being chased by the mafia?! Is that the great secret of Sunnydale? Don’t go out at night, or the mafia will come after you?! Bella mused.

Bella knew there was no way she was getting out of this one. But she wasn’t about to make it easy for them either. Bella took her backpack and drove it into the man’s sternum in front of her. She sent him a swift kick to the groin directly after. He dropped to his knees, and Bella took off running. She could hear the other four laughing as they chased after her.

Oh, come on! You have my fucking bag now. Just leave me alone!

“Come on, baby. We’re just looking for a small donation. No need to be shy about it.”

“Me and my big mouth,” Bella muttered as she thought back to her and Willow’s conversation.

What she wouldn’t give to be invisible right now.

“First Jesse, and now these assholes? Do I have a fucking rape me sign on my back?!” Bella breathlessly spat as she looked around in hopes of seeing her Uncle’s car.

She knew Xander would be scouting the entire town, looking for her.

“Gotchu!” One of the men hollered.

Bella gasped when he grabbed a fistful of her hair. The man yanked her back towards him, and the other three circled her.

“What part of no means no don’t you assholes get?!”

“I don’t recall you ever saying no.” One of them smarted.

“I’m pretty sure the running for my life part was a clear fucking no!” She hissed through gritted teeth.

“Hmm.” One of them hummed as they slapped a hand over her mouth.

They dragged her into the alleyway and into one of the buildings. They proceeded down a hallway into another room with a flight of stairs leading to a basement. The room was dimly lit, but she couldn’t tell where the light was coming from. Bella flung her head back and kicked and squirmed with everything she had.

“KNOCK IT OFF!” One of them shouted as Bella managed to bust his nose open.

The one with the busted nose threw Bella down the stairs. He used his forearm to wipe the blood off his face afterward.

“Chain the bitch! I’ll get everything set up.” He ordered.

One of the brothers lifted Bella by the throat.

“Don’t worry, sweetheart. It isn’t what’s on the outside that counts but the inside.” The man leaned into her ear after he said this.

“Don’t get me wrong; you’re very tempting. But the boss doesn’t like tainted meat. A virgin’s organs are a rare delicacy; at least, that’s what he tells us!” He said while slamming Bella against a cement wall and locking a pair of wall-mounted cuffs around her wrists.

What the hell?! And what would you know about my virginity?! 

           The man peered over his shoulder as he looked at his brothers.

“Bring me that surgical tray.” He said while pointing in the direction of the tray.

“And my medical bag!” He hollered after turning back around.

           Bella looked down as he had her dangling a good foot off the ground. What the- Bella thought as there was a dried-up puddle of blood beneath her. It looked as if something or someone had been dragged through the puddle.

Yeah, victims like yourself. This is how you die! Xander will visit your grave and go on and on about you should’ve listened to him. Then he’ll say something cliché- something along the lines of “I told you so!” Willow will elbow him and say something along the lines of how it wasn’t my fault when it really was. Charlie will start an investigation and-

Bella’s thoughts were interrupted when the man used his bare hands to rip her shirt open.

“Bras. They’re pesky little things, don’t you agree?!” He said while running an index finger along the frilly black lace.

Mom just had to talk me into trying something a little “more my age.” Bella bitterly thought as to the rather risqué bra. What she wouldn’t give to be wearing an unflattering and slightly smelly sports bra right now. And why would she want me wearing something that screams it’s time to have sex?! Bella had a hard time admitting that she actually liked her new bras and the way they made her feel. But now wasn’t the time for sexy. No, it was time for Long Johns and chastity belts!

Bella used her legs to give her enough momentum to grab the chain link to her cuffs. Then, she swung her hips and kicked the living shit out of the man’s chin.

“STOP IT!” One of the brothers scolded as she had the other seeing stars.

The man eyed her down while he checked on his brother. He sent him off with the others, then marched on over, and grabbed her by the hair.

“That wasn’t very nice.” He spat.

“Neither is this.” Another voice chimed.

The man let out a pain-filled grunt, then reached for his lower back as he dropped to one knee.

“UNCUFF HER!” The voice demanded.

“WE NEED HER!” One of the brothers argued with a touch of desperation.

“That sounds like a you problem, doesn’t it?”

Bella locked eyes with the ridiculously attractive man attempting to save her. He must have been a good six feet tall with magnetic dark brown eyes and short yet remarkably stylish hair. Everything about this man screamed assertive. Everything from the husky sound of his voice to his black dress shirt, matching slacks, shoes, and black leather jacket.

The man grabbed her aggressor by the throat, then drew him into a neck-snapping position.

“We’re outnumbered!” She said with concern for him.

           The beautiful man chuckled as the other four went in for the attack. He maneuvered himself so that they seemed to bounce right off him.

“Are you sure?” He uttered with a sexy little smirk.

           What the hell is wrong with me?! Here I am, cuffed to a wall, seconds away from death, and I’m salivating over some guy I know nothing about!

           Bella gasped when he snapped the man’s neck. Everything happened so fast from there. Before Bella could even blink, the other four were dead, and her mysterious savior was using a key to free her from the cuffs.

Bella hadn’t realized how short she was in comparison. Not until he took her into his arms and lowered her down. He had to of been a head taller, if not more. Bella jumped when he lifted her chin with his ice-cold fingers.

“Relax. I won’t bite.” The man whispered as he examined her wounds.

He grimaced, then shook his head.

“I was wrong about you. I should’ve intervened sooner. I’m sorry.” He stated while taking his leather jacket off.

“Here.” He said, then placed it on her.

He buttoned it up afterward.

“You all right?”

Bella didn’t comment. She wasn’t sure how. She ached all over and was somewhat traumatized.

“Yeah, pretty stupid question.” He admitted.

The man reached out and used his thumb to wipe a drop of blood off her upper lip. Bella couldn’t help but note the peculiar way the man looked at his thumb afterward.

“You took a beating.” He uttered with a guilt-ridden expression.

“How’d you-“ Bella started to say, but her vision tunneled, and everything went black.

Bella woke to find herself lying in a bed she didn’t recognize. There was something about the bed’s scent. She found it incredibly soothing and somewhat euphoric. Bella rolled over, then buried her nose into the pillow her head was on. Whatever it was had an earthy smell with a touch of cedar and something else, but Bella couldn’t detect what it was. It drew her in like a moth to a flame.

What is that? It smells so good.

The only source of light came from a lamp across the room.

It took a few minutes for Bella to process everything that took place tonight. Once she did, Bella threw the covers off. She crawled out of the nice warm bed. Bella looked down when her sock-covered feet hit the wooden floor. That’s when she realized the Converse she had been wearing was no longer on her feet.


Bella turned and saw a man’s silhouette. It looked as though he were sitting at a desk.

“Wh- Where am I?” She nervously sputtered.

The man didn’t respond. Instead, he came to his feet and then made his way over. He kept quiet as he cupped her chin and looked at her wounds again.

That scent… It’s coming from him, Bella thought with the urge to bury her nose into the palm of his hand.

“You can take those out in about a week or so. Also, you need to be careful. I had to tape a couple of your ribs. Those will take a little longer to heal.”

Bella’s eyes widened in thought.

“I’d tell you I didn’t see anything, but I’d be lying. It was unavoidable.” He hinted at her blouse being cut open, and her flimsy little bra was basically see-through.

Bella flinched but didn’t comment. He looked just as uncomfortable as she was.

“And what will I be taking out?” She asked in confusion.

“Your stitches.”

Wait. What?” She said in a panic.

“I can’t go back home in stitches! Charlie will freak!”

“Charlie?” The man questioned.

“This isn’t happening. Between him and Alex, I will never hear the end of it!”

The man tilted his head as Bella paced the room.

“…fuck…” She muttered under her breath.

“I really don’t think you should be….” He started to say, and sure enough, Bella grew incredibly woozy and lost her balance.

“I think you might have a slight concussion.” He said after catching her and sitting her down at his desk.

“Stay put. I’ll get you some water,” He said then exited the room.

“Thank you.” Bella awkwardly uttered when he returned with a glass of water.

He nodded, then leaned against his desk as Bella downed the entire glass.

“More?” He offered.

“I’m good.”

“So, what are you?” The man randomly questioned.

“Excuse me?”

“There’s something about you, isn’t there? I can feel it. That’s why I thought you could handle those idiots.”

“You’re kidding, right? There were five of them!”

The man made his way around so that he was standing in front of her now. He squatted down to her level, then gazed into her eyes as if piecing something together.

“Yeah. You’re really starting to freak me out.”

“Not meaning to.”

“How’d you do that?” Bella asked.

“Do what?” He questioned with his eyes glued to hers still.

“Move like that. Those guys… They didn’t stand a chance!” Bella said with an involuntary shiver. That shiver hadn’t anything to do with what happened tonight. No, it had to do with how cold it was in his apartment.

How is he not freezing?

“As I said, I should’ve done something sooner. They could’ve killed you.”

That doesn’t answer my question, and why is he staring at me like that?

“Mind if I use your bathroom?” Bella asked while combing her hair back with her fingers.

The man rose and then pointed in the direction she needed to go.

“Easy.” He said while helping Bella to her feet.

Bella headed for that way and then shut the door behind her. She peered into the mirror and ran a finger along the stitches on her forehead and lip.

“Great! Just fucking great!”

Bella thought back to everything that happened, and the urge to cry hit. She was quick to turn the faucet on. Bella cupped some cold water into her hands, then doused her face repeatedly. Bella hated crying. That was a trick she came up with whenever the urge hit. Bella exited the bathroom once she regained her composure.

The man lifted his head as he was standing by the thermostat. Bella could hear the clicking of the heater as it roared to life.

“You good?” He asked.

“How many do you think they killed?” She asked, and the man raised his brows.

“Can’t say, really.”

“They mentioned something about organs and-“ Bella’s entire face flushed over.

Yeah, I’d rather die. I’m not about to mention the whole virgin part. 

“I guess what I’m trying to ask is….” Bella paused as she thought of a good way to word this.

“That thing they were trying to feed. Was it real or in their heads? Because I never saw it. But the blood stains and all that was pretty real.”

The man narrowed his eyes.


           So, he’s not answering any of my questions… Good to know!

Bella was starving, considering she hadn’t eaten anything all day. But she didn’t know this man and knew Xander was freaking the fuck out.

“No.” She lied, but her stomach betrayed her with an exceptionally long growl.

The man smiled.

“You’re a terrible liar.”

“I need to get back. My cousin is losing his shit, I’m sure.”

“And who is your cousin?” He asked while grabbing his wallet and keys off his dresser and stuffing them into his pant pocket.

“No offense, but I don’t know you from a hole in the wall.”

“And I don’t know you, but here we are. So, I say we grab something to eat and get to know one another.”

The apartment itself was small and pretty average. But the man’s wall art, and other collectibles, not so much.

So, he’s a bit of a history buff. I never would’ve guessed.  

There were a few pieces Bella hadn’t a clue how he got a hold of. They were that rare. The man’s windows were triple-layered with thick burgundy curtains that matched the shirt she had been wearing today. There was something odd about those curtains and the windows they covered, but Bella couldn’t put her finger on it.

“Let me guess; you rob museums for a living?” Bella said while picking a broadsword up from one of the display cases he had on the wall.

That was a very non-Bella-like thing to do. But she wanted to see his reaction and know what kind of temperament he had. So, in other words, she was testing him.

“Careful, that sword is heavy and bigger than you.”

Bella frowned as she struggled to put the sword back. She’d forgotten all about her broken ribs and the pain she felt from lifting that sword was agonizing.

“Do you make a habit of touching things that don’t belong to you?” He asked after coming to her aid. She could feel his chest pressed up against her as he helped her put the sword back.

“You killed those men like it was nothing, and you want me to go to dinner with you?” She said, bypassing the question.

The man spun her around so that she was facing him.

“Hmm. Tell me, where would you feel safest… In a restaurant, out in public, or in my apartment with no witnesses?” He asked with a toothy grin.

Bella laughed. The thought hadn’t even occurred to her. But nothing about this man felt threatening, even after everything she witnessed tonight. Still, Bella thought it best to be on guard. That and she couldn’t help herself; Bella wanted to know what he was hiding.

“How about option C?” Bella suggested as he had his hands on her hips.

Bella knew he was doing that to help keep her balanced. Still, it felt a little too intimate.

“And what would that be?”

Bella started to say something along the lines of calling her cousin to pick her up but refrained, knowing she’d be putting not only Xander, but Willow in danger as well.

“What’s your name?” He questioned after seeing the conflict in her eyes.

“I’m not telling you that.”

“Okay, fine. We can play that game.”

“What game?!”

The man didn’t respond. Instead, he walked away as he headed for his desk. He reached under and grabbed her backpack. He had it stashed away under his desk.

“You have my backpack?” Bella questioned in surprise.

“HEY!” Bella shouted when he started to go through it.

He removed her books one by one and read each title out loud.

“Animal Farm, Fahrenheit 451, Pride and Prejudice, A Midsummer’s Night, annnd….” He sang as he pulled out the very last book.

“Now, that one I did not expect!” He said after setting Romeo and Juliet down on his desk.

“You know a person’s book collection is kind of private, right?”

“Is that why they invented bookshelves?” He smarted with a grin.

“You’re a bit of a nerd, aren’t you, Isabella Swan?” He said after looking at her latest chemistry test.

Bella’s jaw dropped in disbelief.

She rushed over and snatched the test out of his hand. She stuffed her books back into her bag afterward.

“It’s Bella, you ass!”

“Hm, I prefer Isabella.”

Bella noted the seductive way he said her name. But she couldn’t tell whether he was being sarcastic or flirty.

“I don’t believe I asked you.” She said, going with the sarcasm option. There was no way a guy like that was into someone like her.

“Fair enough. So, what are you in college?”

“What is this an interrogation? Shouldn’t I be the one asking the questions?”

“You already tried that, remember?”

Bella put her backpack on. Next, she grabbed her shoes and sat on the foot of his bed to put them on.

The man frowned as she struggled to get one shoe on.

“Why don’t you let me-“

“I got it, okay? Just give me a-“ Bella let out a yelp-like whimper, and the man hurried over.

“Are you all right?!” He questioned with concern.

Bella nodded but tried as she might. She couldn’t hide the excruciating pain she was in.

“Broken ribs will do that.” He reminded after taking the shoe from her hold.

“Give me your foot.” He softly uttered, and Bella lifted her leg.

Once he got her left shoe on, he grabbed her right foot. Bella started to hand him her other shoe when he froze.

“I’m guessing you broke your big toe at some point?”

Bella reared back in wonder.

“Doesn’t look like it grew back correctly.” He murmured after running a finger down her sock, where a slight deformity was. Bella blushed in response.

           Awesome! So, he knows I got a warped toe now! Let’s see what else we can add to the list!

“I was in ballet….” She explained, and the man lifted his head in surprise.


“Yeah, when I was little.”

“And you quit because….”

“Because I sucked.” She said, and the man laughed as he grabbed her other shoe.

“I doubt that.” He said while putting her other shoe on.

“No, trust me, I did.”

“So, what happens if I try to leave? Do you run up and snap my neck or-“ She playfully questioned once he had her shoe tied.

“If you want to go, then go. I’m not stopping you. But you should know that what you experienced tonight is nowhere near the worst thing out there, and that includes myself. You may or may not make it back to your cousin. I’d offer you a ride, but something tells me you don’t want me to know anything about them, much less know where they live, and I don’t care to have them know where I live. While I understand the need to keep your loved ones safe, I can’t afford to put myself at risk either.”

“And something tells me you can handle just about anything that comes your way,” Bella complimented as he helped her off the bed.

“You’d be surprised. But, as I said, there are worse things out there, Isabella.”

“It’s Bella!”

“Right…” He uttered a smirk.

“So, dinner?” He offered yet again.

“Fine. Just as long as I’m not dinner!”

The man had a good laugh at this.

“Oh, this is going to be a fun night!” He teasingly expressed as he escorted her out the door.

“You didn’t scream or cry for help, not even once.” The man uttered as he pulled up to a stop sign.

“Sorry to disappoint; I’m not much of a screamer.”

“The disappointment would depend on the context.”

“Did you just –“ Bella trailed off once she saw Xander and Willow pass by.

They were in his uncle’s car, and she could tell they were fighting. Bella sunk into the seat of the Impala in hopes that they wouldn’t see her. The man took notice but didn’t comment.

“You never told me your name.” She said while eyeing the side mirror.


“Okay, real name?”

“It’s still Angel.”

“You’re serious, aren’t you?” She asked, and he nodded.

“A murderous Angel, awesome!”

“You do remember that I saved your life, right?”

Bella grimaced in realization. She never thanked him, not even once.

“Thank you. Seriously, I would’ve died if you hadn’t….”

“Killed the bad guys?” He said while turning his blinker on.


Angel pulled into one of the lesser-known restaurants in town.

“I hope you’re a steak and potatoes kind of gal.”

Gal? Guys still say that?

“Honestly, I’d eat just about anything right now.”

Bella started to open her door only to have Angel beat her to the punch.

“Ladies first.” He said after opening the restaurant door as well.

Bella kept quiet as Angel spoke to the hostess. He asked for a specific table. The young woman smiled when Angel slipped her some money. Bella couldn’t tell how much it was because the woman quickly stuffed it into her bra. She escorted them to their table afterward.

It was a table in the far back of the restaurant. Angel thanked the woman, then signaled Bella to go on and have a seat.

The two sat in silence but would glance at one another every now and then as they waited for a server to come by. Once they had their drink orders in, Angel leaned back, then cleared his throat, gathering Bella’s attention as she looked at the menu.

“Are you going to tell me how you’re doing that?”

“Doing what?” Bella questioned in bewilderment.

“I don’t know how to describe it. But you’re doing something… It feels…” Angel trailed off, then shook his head in frustration.

“I have no idea what you’re talking about. I’m not doing anything. I’m just sitting here.”

           What is his deal? First, he thinks I can take on five men on my lonesome, and now I’m doing something to him. DOING WHAT?!

“You’re not a witch or something, are you?” He asked, and Bella laughed.

“I wish…” She muttered as she glanced at the menu once again.

Angel narrowed his eyes as he observed her every move.

“Do you mind? You’re staring again, and it’s creeping me out!”

“Sorry, I’m just….”


“Trying to figure you out.”

“There’s nothing to figure out. There’s nothing special about me.”

“You’re wrong. There’s definitely something. I can’t put my finger on it. But it’s there. That’s why I didn’t step in at first.”

Bella lowered her menu.

“Why do you keep talking like I could’ve killed those guys myself?!”

“Because I thought you could.”

“Well, I think we proved otherwise, considering I had my ass handed to me.”

“I don’t know. You really handed it to a couple of ‘em.”

Bella reared back in question.

“What are you talking about?”

“Well, there was that one guy that took a foot to the crotch. He was down for some time. Then you had the one with the busted nose and the other with the boot to the chin! I think you handled yourself pretty well, considering….”

Bella had no idea. Her only focus was the not dying part.

“I love that you’re trying to figure me out when you’re the one with the explaining to do.”

“I’m a vampire,” Angel uttered with a dismissive shrug, and Bella rolled her eyes.

“Okay. See, this is going nowhere. And what is this about exactly? Are you afraid I’m going to tell someone? Is that it? Because trust me, no one would believe me even if I said something which I wouldn’t. I owe you my life. Why would I go and betray you after what you did for me, Angel?”

“It wouldn’t be the first time someone betrayed me, Bella. And more like I owe you mine. Because of me, you ended up in far worse shape than you should have.

“You used the right name this time!”

“Hmm. I prefer Isabella though it suits you better.”

“Trust me; it doesn’t.”

Angel held up his hand in warning as the waitress returned with their drinks and to take their orders. Angel ordered a rare steak with a baked potato, and Bella ordered a medium well with a side salad.

“So, you like your food to moo when you cut into it,” Bella said, and Angel smiled.

“And you like to chew yours for hours on end.” Angel cleared his throat, then shook his head.


“You’re doing it again….” He muttered.

“Are you going to tell me what I’m doing exactly? Because I’m at a loss here.”

“There’s no way you can’t be aware of it.” He said with his finger pointed in her direction.

“I take it whatever it is bad.” She muttered as to the frustration in Angel’s voice.

“Far from it.”

“Can you at least try to explain what it is you’re feeling?”

“Maybe we should eat first.” He hesitantly muttered.


“Because I’m not so sure how you’ll take it.”

“I thought you said it wasn’t bad.”

“Let me put it this way. Whatever this is could be very bad for me.”


“As I said, we should eat first.”

Silence filled the table again as they waited for their food to arrive. This was one of the smallest restaurants Bella had ever been in. There was no way it could hold more than fifty people. But it was nice and cozy, with candlelit tables and classical music playing in the background. There were four other couples besides her and Angel.

Couples… Bella thought with an eye roll. Yeah, right.

Bella was lost in thought when their food arrived.

“So, is Charlie your boyfriend or something?” Angel asked, breaking her out of her little spell.

“Where’d you….” Bella backtracked on everything she said, then recoiled.

“Right.” She muttered.

“Charlie is my father.” She admitted, and Angel nodded.

“And what does he do for a living?”

Bella couldn’t help but laugh. Angel raised his brows in wonder.

“He’s chief of police!”

“You’re kidding?” Angel uttered out of sheer amusement.

“Not even a little.”

“And Xander Harris… He’s your cousin, isn’t he?”

Bella reared back in surprise, and Angel nodded.

“How’d you know that?”

“Your reaction… When we passed by him and Willow earlier. You don’t have much of a game face. You should work on that.”

Must be a smaller town than I realized. Everybody knows everybody!

“So, I’m a terrible liar and suck at poker.” She muttered, and Angel nodded.

“Anything else you’d like to add in the short time you’ve known me?”

Angel waited for Bella to finish her salad before answering.

“You second guess yourself a lot, but when you put your mind to it, you’re fearless.” He said, and Bella laughed.

“Me fearless?”

“Yeah. You didn’t hold back and didn’t scream like most women in your situation would’ve done. If anything, you’re a little too calm under pressure. I think that’s why I sensed something that wasn’t there.”

“I was scared shitless.”

“You didn’t show it. Even when you ran from them, you didn’t look scared. You looked…”

“I looked…?”

“Angry, determined even.” He said, then stuffed a piece of steak into his mouth.

“I was,” She said while using a napkin to wipe her mouth.


“I was having a shit night before everything went to hell.”

“What happened?”

“Let’s just say I was conned into flying down here.” Bella watched as Angel scarfed the rest of his steak down.

“How so?”

“I was told one thing when it was something else entirely,” Bella said, then took a couple of bites of her steak.

“Who is Jesse?”

Bella froze, and Angel tapped one of his ears with his index finger.

“Excellent hearing.”

“So, you actually saw the whole thing play out?”

Angel recoiled with this shameful expression.

“Not my finest moment, I admit. Had I known….”

Wait, do you think I’m blaming you for what happened?”

“You should.”


“Because I could’ve prevented it. All of it. When I said I shouldn’t have waited to get involved, I meant it. I only waited because I sensed something in you.”

“We’ve established that already.” Bella uncomfortably hissed.

“Whatever it is, it’s strong. I can feel it at this very moment. It’s strange that you can’t.”

“You said whatever it was – was bad for you.”

“I said it could be bad for me, but that’s something else. At least, I think it is. It’s hard to tell.”

“That tells me nothing.”

“Let me ask you this… Has anyone else ever told you that being around you makes them feel at peace?” He said but acted as if he wanted to add something to that.

Bella laughed.

“I was being serious.”

“No one’s ever said anything like that.”

            Not even close!

“Ever?” Angel uttered like he didn’t believe her.

“You’d be the first.”

“I was afraid of that. As if my life isn’t complicated enough.”


“Wait… What? So, I’m complicating your life now? You don’t even know me!”

        What is his deal? 

“You said you were just visiting, right?”

“Yes. I’m leaving first thing tomorrow.”

“Good.” He muttered under his breath.

       Wait! How’d he… Was he at the library too?!

“The sooner you get out of town, the better.”

“Um, what?”

“I told you this could be very bad for me and for….”

“For?” Bella probed.

Angel pinched the bridge of his nose.



           Talk about a complex man. Jesus. He thinks he’s telling me something when he isn’t, and what does he mean by her? Does he have a girlfriend or something? 

Angel waved the waitress over and asked for the check.

“I’ll take you to your cousin.”

Angel couldn’t get out of there fast enough. He took Bella by the arm, then escorted her back to the car. He drove like a speed demon. There were no words as they pulled up to the house. Bella placed her hand on the door handle.

“Don’t you want your jacket back?”

“Keep it. It looks better on you anyhow.”

“Now, who’s the terrible liar?” She said, and Angel smiled.

“Take care of yourself, Bella. And next time, don’t be afraid to call for help. It doesn’t make you weak.”

“It isn’t about feeling weak.” She muttered, and Angel tilted his head as he waited for an explanation.

“I don’t see the point in crying for help when no one’s around.”

“Why do I get the feeling there’s a cryptic message behind that….”

Bella didn’t comment.

“I’d say something along the lines of “see you around,” but I highly doubt we’ll see each other again.” She said, then headed inside.

21 thoughts on “Hellmouth’s Twilight Chapter 1 – The Visit”

  1. lawd i haven’t been this excite about a fic since i found ya site in 2016! time to jump down the rabbit hole to another one😍

  2. Love it so far! I’ve really missed your Twilight cross overs. No one writes Bella’s better than you. Can’t wait for more

  3. For a “non Buffy” watcher, I’m really getting into the characters so far. They are all new to me, but I love Bella’s ‘complicated’ relationship with her cousin and his friend, and her bad ass interaction with her attackers. I even liked her conversation with the librarian. 🙂

    Her rescuer ‘Angel’ sure seems torn and broody. Kinda reminds me of another vamp. Hmmm…. Since Bella and Angel are a pairing for your story, I’m guessing that they DO see each other a lot more. LOL

    Part of me wants to go binge watch the series now, but I won’t. I want to see the characters through your writing. This will be great! I’m excited. Thanks for writing and sharing.

    1. That’s a huge compliment. I couldn’t respond to this comment when I first read it. I was at physical therapy with my youngest. But that made my day when I read this. THANK YOU!

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